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Global Compact activities

Snam further strengthened its commitment to doing business according to a sustainable development model, respecting and safeguarding human rights and protecting the environment, by joining the Global Compact – the world’s biggest voluntary sustainable development initiative – in 2009.

Under the aegis of the United Nations, the governments, companies and civil society organisations that have signed up to the Global Compact are permanently committed to disseminating, both internally and externally, ten fundamental principles on human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, and to supporting the Millennium Development Goals.

In 2012, Snam’s commitment to the Global Compact continued with many activities for engagement and disclosure of the ten principles, including:

  • Active membership of the Global Compact Network Italy as part of the Human Rights Working group, which this year helped to organise a seminar on the subject of “Assessment of human rights performance by investors”, and is tasked with analysing John Ruggie’s framework from a corporate perspective and preparing and providing training material on human rights.
  • Organising a workshop on integrated reporting with Global Compact Network Italy in February 2013. The event, which was designed as a chance to compare notes on and explore this topic, was primarily intended for Snam personnel, and was also open to companies within the Network.
  • Disseminating the Global Compact’s ten principles in the documentation for commercial contracts, with the hope that increasing numbers of companies will join this initiative.

Snam works for the Millennium Development Goals

These are the eight objectives of the United Nations, which all 191 of the organisation’s member states are committed to achieving by 2015.

In 2012, Snam made its own contribution to reducing extreme poverty and hunger and achieving universal primary education (1st and 2nd objectives), with a voluntary corporate initiative, and fundraising in partnership with CESVI. It also helped to ensure environmental sustainability (7th objective), with a range of activities designed to safeguard and promote biodiversity and the environment.

With regard to the prevention of extreme poverty, the results published by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) in 2012 show encouraging results, including the halving of the number of people living on less than a dollar a day since 1990.

For more details on progress towards all the Millennium Development Goals, see the report at www.un.org/en/development/desa/publications/mdg-report-2012.html
