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Internal communication

Snam promotes direct and constant communication with its people, with the aim of actively involving them in the corporate life, bolstering the spirit of the group and directing them to adopting behaviours which can facilitate the cultural change in progress.

The 2018 internal communication plan strived to enrich the amount of content and increase the updating frequency on all the existing channels, as well as to introduce new initiatives/activities and information formats and to involve people, thanks also to the collaboration with the Snam Foundation and Snam Institute.

Internal communication tools

“Easy” the Intranet portal

Hard copies

Strategic cascade events with the company management

Available to all the corporate employees, it represents an important area of information and awareness and a tool for sharing expertise and thought facilitating team work.

In 2018 there was an increase in the volume of information published and updates.

The “Energie” magazine, which increased its circulation and is published quarterly, represents the identity and voice of the company.

“Speciali Energie” – increased in number/frequency enclosed to the editorial project or distributed independently, with a focus on specific topics.

Available to all the employees also on mobile devices, the newsletter “Osservatorio Domanda Gas” with news, analysis and comments on the gas demand.

July 2018 – Cascade meetings on the strategic plan aimed at senior and middle management and circulated via streaming to the entire corporate population.

November 2018 – Online webinar presenting the strategic plan with the CEO illustrating the pillars of the new plan, directly answering to questions coming from all the employees.

December 2018 – End of year event with video-conferencing connections bringing together the 11 main hubs of the company and exchanging season’s greetings.

Throughout the year about 20 stages of the HRO and DT&T department Roadshows took place to inform the local population about the planned activities.

Social engagement initiatives

Other engagement, cultural and training initiatives

Video screens installed at company premises

Two initiatives were launched jointly with the Snam Foundation for supporting the company’s social commitment and encouraging team and relationship-building: (Snam volunteering day throughout Italy, Family Christmas with employees and their children at 11 company premises).

Thanks to the spread of streaming methods and webinars for events, a plan of initiatives was launched with the Snam Institute open for people to participate in, to disseminate new work philosophies and digital culture (Lean Speech, Digital Journeys), accessible through the company intranet.

Video screens were installed at all company premises, used as a complementary communication channel which involved an ad hoc production/adaptation of video contents, organised in a specific line ups.
