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3. Committees established by the Board of Directors

The Board has established the following internal Committees with consultative and advisory duties, pursuant to the Code of Corporate Governance and to Article 16 of the Bylaws:

  • Compensation Committee;
  • Appointments Committee;
  • Control and Risk Committee.

The composition, duties and functioning of the Committees are governed by the Board in special regulations, which can be consulted under the “Governance” section of the Company’s website (http://www.snam.it/en/Governance/Social_bodies/Committees/), in accordance with the criteria set out by the Code.

The Committee members were appointed by the Board of Directors. The Committees are made up of three directors, with the exception of the Control and Risk Committee, which consists of four directors.

In the performance of their functions, the Committees may access information and company departments. They have sufficient financial resources and may use external consultants within the terms set by the Board of Directors.

Individuals who are not members may participate in meetings of the Committees if asked to do so in relation to individual agenda items. The respective secretaries take minutes for the meetings of the committees.

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