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Related-party transactions

Considering the de facto control of CDP S.p.A. over Snam S.p.A., pursuant to the international accounting standard IFRS 10 - Consolidated Financial Statements, based on the current Group ownership structure the related parties of Snam are represented by Snam’s associates and joint ventures as well as by the parent company CDP S.p.A. and its subsidiaries and associates, and direct or indirect subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Members of the Board of Directors, Statutory Auditors and Snam Group and CDP managers with strategic responsibilities, and their families, are also regarded as related parties. Transactions between Snam and related parties are part of ordinary business operations and are generally settled under market conditions, i.e. the conditions that would be applied between two independent parties. The main operations with these parties involve the exchange of goods and the provision of regulated services in the gas sector. All the transactions carried out were in the interest of the companies of the Snam Group.

Pursuant to the provisions of the applicable legislation, the Company has adopted internal procedures to ensure that transactions carried out by Snam or its subsidiaries with related parties are transparent and correct in their substance and procedure.

Directors and statutory auditors declare potential interests that they have in relation to the Company and the Group every six months, and/or when changes in said interests occur; they also inform the Chief Executive Officer (or the Chairman, in the case of the Chief Executive Officer’s interests), who in turns informs the other directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors, of individual transactions that the Company intends to carry out and in which they have an interest.

No management or coordination activity of CDP S.p.A. has been formalised or exercised.

As at 30 June 2016, Snam manages and coordinates its subsidiaries, pursuant to Article 2497 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code.

The amounts involved in commercial, miscellaneous and financial relations with related parties, descriptions of the key transactions and the impact of these on the balance sheet, income statement and cash flows, are provided in Note 27 “Relationships with related parties” of the Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

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