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Sustainable Capitals GRI - G4: 1

Chapter entry image – Sustainable Capitals (Image)

Snam’s sustainability strategy plays a crucial and proactive role in creating value for the company and its stakeholders. It is the result of the ever-expanding knowledge that Snam has built up over time concerning fundamental sustainability topics, and also of how Snam has adopted a structured and uniform approach across the entire Group to gradually integrate these topics into its business development model.

It has been a long journey, founded above all on the continuous and far-reaching work of the people within the Group, who have developed and fostered a “culture of sustainability” without which we could not grow over the long-term or even play a part in the innovative processes that go hand in hand with changes to the societies in which we live. This has been the driving force behind our commitment to sustainability and the related measures aimed increasingly at maintaining and improving the esteem in which Snam is held by local and regional authorities, institutions and employees, at facilitating the development of infrastructure and at making the gas system safer and more productive for the community as a whole.

A full and acknowledged ‘licence to operate’ must include long-term relations with stakeholders, which Snam pursues by ensuring mutual trust, being available to listen and engage, acting openly and transparently, and attempting to maintain and develop constructive dialogue both outside and inside the company.

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