Market: customer engagement activities

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Customer care initiatives represent the consolidation of a sustainability journey through which the Company proposes to increase involvement and interaction with customers in order to pursue the constant improvement of the quality of services offered.

The network codes list several indicators for monitoring the quality of service offered by the companies. With regard to these indicators, Snam has maintained its high performance in 2019 as well. One part of these indicators, which refer to specific levels of commercial services quality, leads to the automatic compensation of customers in the event of failure to comply with the service quality standard.

In 2019, 4 commercial workshops and one on biomethane were organised, as well as a seminar dedicated entirely to settlement. The ten-year development plans for the gas transportation network and the cost/benefit analysis methodology were also presented, and two events were held, one with customers at the Panigaglia terminal and one at the headquarter attended by the Snam’s CEO.

Workshops are an opportunity for Snam to meet its customers and take an in-depth look at several issues that are important to the market, as well as a chance for discussing innovations and the performance of balancing operations and transportation, storage and regasification activities, and for receiving feedback on the information systems updating process.

Thus, with this in mind, Snam decided to modify the organisation of the events with an initial plenary session and a second session focusing on round table discussions in which its customers could interact and talk about issues related to balancing, settlement, storage allocation and services, transportation and LNG, which have an impact on commercial activities.

In addition, to meet the demands of the market and allow all the customers to participate, the events were also live streamed.

Customer feedbacks are very important to Snam in order to develop actions aiming at continuous improvement. In effect, the Company monitors customer satisfaction through customer satisfaction surveys and in 2019 it got an average score of 8.4 on a scale from 0 to 10. It also monitors the level of satisfaction of the customer engagement initiatives conducted, which stood at an average value of 9.1 in 2019.

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