Protecting the climate and the air

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Snam’s management of the environmental aspects aims to protect the climate and the air, in line with the Company’s commitment to a sustainable energy transition. By its nature, the natural gas, Snam’s core business, offers an energy solution that has far less of an impact compared with traditional fossil fuels such as diesel and oil, facilitating the domestic and European journey towards decarbonisation.

In the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan, Snam has reinforced its objectives, increasing the target previously set for reducing its methane emissions by 2025, going from -25% to -40% compared with the 2016 figures, through a reduction in emissions from LNG transportation, storage and regasification activities. An investment plan was implemented to reach these targets that makes it possible to maintain and develop natural gas recovery programmes from maintenance activities by 33% every year until 2022. Snam has also established an ambitious climate altering emissions reduction plan, setting a target of a -40% by 2030, compared with the 2016 values for (Scope 1) direct CO2eq emissions and (Scope 2) indirect emissions from energy use, including through the definition of a new target related to the use of green electricity by 2030.

Reduction of natural gas emissions (compared to 2016), GHG emissions Scope 1+2 (compared to 2016) and Green electricity used (Graphic)
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