From corporate citizenship to network citizenship

The global and local dimension of Snam

The new market framework opens up obvious opportunities. Snam’s move toward positioning itself among the top players in regulated gas activities involves modulating an innovative approach to corporate citizenship. It involves defining a network citizenship model as the key to juggling the difficult challenge of competitiveness and system reliability with local presence. It involves reconciling the two-fold level in which Snam operates: the “macro” role as European market leader and the demand for executing and managing infrastructure established locally. It is two-dimensional, combining an overall scenario on an international scale and a local one, with the respective impacts on local development, people, the environment and cohesiveness.

Network citizenship is the challenge adopted by Snam as a possible new approach that will help the Company to interpret its activities, from the siting phase (issuance of licences, acceptance, compensatory measures, and overall project quality), up to the management and control phase for assets already established.

The objective is clear: give networks a local presence. It is an ambitious goal, achievable through dialogue and cooperation with local authorities, by means of a structured search for the convergence of objectives with a shared approach to development strategies and policies.

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Global reporting initiative

The results in this report obtained the A+ level of compliance to GRI reporting guidelines

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