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2.5 General Manager

With a view to identifying a key role that could integrate the necessary corporate functions and boost the Group’s promotion and growth, while supporting Snam’s strategic development, on 8 January 2016, the Board of Directors approved the creation of a General Management department and, upon the proposal of the CEO and in agreement with the Chairman, appointed Marco Alverà as General Manager, reporting to the CEO.

The Board of Directors has also verified that, in relation to the General Manager and based on the declaration made by the latter, there are no grounds for incompatibility pursuant to Article 16.2 of the Bylaws31 and he fulfils the integrity requirements set forth by the applicable regulations32.

31 The grounds for incompatibility include the provisions of Article 2, paragraph 2, letter c) of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 25 May 2012, which stipulate that members of administrative or supervisory bodies, as well as those that carry out managerial functions, may not be members of the management or control bodies, or hold senior management positions, at Eni or its subsidiaries, nor may they have any direct or indirect professional or financial relationship with said companies.

32 Article 147-quinquies of the TUF stipulates that “[p]ersons who perform an administrative or management role must satisfy the integrity requirements established for members of internal control bodies in the regulation issued by the Minister of Justice pursuant to Article 148, subsection 4” of the TUF. These requirements were set forth by Article 2 of Decree of the Ministry of Justice 162/2000 (”Regulations containing rules for setting the professionalism and integrity requirements for members of the board of statutory auditors of listed companies to be issued based on Article 148 of the TUF”).

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