Corporate bodies

Board of Directors (*)

Carlo Malacarne (1)

Chief Executive Officer
Marco Alverà (1)

Sabrina Bruno (2) (3)
Monica De Virgiliis (1) (2)
Francesco Gori (2) (3)
Yunpeng He (1)
Lucia Morselli (1) (2)
Elisabetta Oliveri (2) (3)
Alessandro Tonetti (1)

Board of Statutory Auditors (*)

Leo Amato (4)

Statutory auditors
Massimo Gatto (5)
Maria Luisa Mosconi (4)

Alternate auditors
Sonia Ferrero (5)
Maria Gimigliano (4)

Control, Risk and Related-Party Transactions Committee

Elisabetta Oliveri - Chairman
Sabrina Bruno
Lucia Morselli

Appointments Committee

Francesco Gori - Chairman
Monica De Virgiliis
Alessandro Tonetti

Remuneration Committee

Monica De Virgiliis - Chairman
Elisabetta Oliveri
Alessandro Tonetti

Sustainability Committee (**)

Sabrina Bruno - Chairman
Yunpeng He
Lucia Morselli

Independent Auditing Firm (***)

PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A.

(*) Appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 27 April 2016 and in office until the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting that shall be called in 2019

to approve the financial statements as at 31 December 2018.

(**) Instituted by the Board of Directors on 11 May 2016.

(***) Engaged by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 24 April 2018 for the period 2018-2026.

(1) Candidate directors on the list presented by shareholder CDP Reti S.p.A.

(2) Independent directors pursuant to the TUF and the Code of Corporate Governance.

(3) Directors that were candidates on a list submitted jointly by Institutional Investors.

(4) Candidate standing auditors on the list presented by shareholder CDP Reti S.p.A.

(5) Directors that were candidates on a list submitted jointly by Institutional Investors.

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