Snam S.p.A. financial review

Snam S.p.A. is an industrial holding company listed on the Milan stock exchange. It heads up the Snam Group and holds 100% of the share capital of the four operating companies (Snam Rete Gas S.p.A., GNL Italia S.p.A., Stogit S.p.A. and Italgas S.p.A.) which are responsible for the management and development of transportation, regasification, storage and distribution of natural gas, respectively.
Snam S.p.A. also has responsibility for strategic planning, management and coordination and control.
As at 31 December 2013, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), through CDP Reti S.r.l.34, holds 30% of the share capital of Snam S.p.A.
34 CDP Reti S.r.l. is wholly owned by CDP S.p.A.