1. Foreword
Snam has adopted the principles set out in the various versions of the Code of Corporate Governance1, since its listing on the MTA segment of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. in 2001.
The Report illustrates the corporate governance system and ownership structure of Snam and takes into account the changes occurred during 2012 following the sale (with effect from 15 October 2012) of 30% less one share of the voting capital of Snam2 by Eni to CDP Reti S.r.l. (a wholly owned subsidiary of CDP) the impact that these changes had on the Company’s governance structure, and the renewal of the corporate bodies on 26 March 2013.
1 This refers to the Code of Corporate Governance approved in October 1999 by the Corporate Governance Committee, as most recently amended in December 2011.
2 In compliance with the ownership unbundling requirement pursuant to Law No. 27 of 24 March 2012 and the Prime Ministerial Decree of 25 May 2012.