- Company Introduction
Ownership structure
- Structure of share capital
- Restrictions on the transfer of shares
- Significant shareholdings
- Geographical distribution of shareholders
- Shares – special rights
- Mechanism for exercising voting right
- Shareholders’ agreements
- Change-of-control clauses
- Powers to increase the share capital
- Management and coordination activities
- Further information - References
Corporate governance system
- Shareholders’ Meeting
- Board of Directors
- Committees
- Board of Statutory Auditors and External Auditors
- Induction sessions
- Internal control and risk management system
- Regulatory System
- Relations with shareholders and investors
- Unbundling model
- Changes to the corporate governance structure after the end of the financial year
- Summary tables

Snam has adopted the principles set out in the various versions of the Code of Corporate Governance, since its listing on the MTA segment of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. in 2001.
Snam is constantly committed to maintaining and strengthening a corporate governance system in line with the standards of international best practice and able to handle the complex situations in which the Company operates and the challenges to be faced in achieving sustainable development.
Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics adopted by Snam defines a shared system of values and expresses the business ethics culture of the Company, as well as inspiring strategic thinking and guidance of business activities.
Social responsibility
For some time, the Company has aimed to pursue its business activity within a broader context in which commitment to social issues plays an important role.
Corporate Governance System
Snam’s corporate governance system is based on certain key principles, such as a correct, transparent choice of management for corporate activities, which is ensured through the identification of information flows between corporate bodies, and an efficient definition of the internal control and risk management system.
more- Foreword
- Mission
- Code of Ethics
- Social responsibility
- Corporate Governance