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Aims and general principles of the Remuneration Policy


The Snam Remuneration Policy was defined in line with the governance model adopted by the Company and with the recommendations of the Code of Corporate Governance, in order to attract and retain people with a high professional and managerial profile and to align the interests of management with the prime objective of creating value for shareholders in the medium-/long-term.

Under the scope of the Policy adopted, the variable component linked to the results achieved, through incentive systems related to achieving economic/financial targets, the development of the business and operations, defined from a perspective of sustainability of results, consistent with the Company’s Strategic Plan, takes on particular importance.

Specifically, Snam’s Remuneration Policy contributes to the realisation of the mission, corporate values and strategies, through: i) promoting actions and behaviour in line with the culture of the Company, in compliance with the principles of pluralism, equal opportunities, developing peoples’ knowledge and professionalism, equality and non-discrimination as set out in the Snam Code of Ethics and the Corporate System Framework; ii) recognising the responsibilities assigned, the results achieved and the quality of the extensive professional input, taking into account the context and the reference remuneration markets.

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