Sustainability in business

Environmental sustainability and social responsibility are among the fundamental aspects of the manner in which Snam creates value for itself and for its stakeholders, and they therefore represent an integral part of defining strategic and operational corporate choices. Sustainability helps to manage business risks, improve performance and enhance the Companys reputation and intangible assets.

Integrating sustainability and business takes place through planning and control procedures and tools that feed into the cycle of continuous improvement. At the basis of this management system, which has been extended to the entire corporation and is currently undergoing a consolidation phase, there is the periodic updating of “Areas for Improvement of Sustainability”, approved by corporate management in September 2011 and valid for the 2012-2015 period, with the subsequent identification, by different corporate functions, of the initiatives and projects relative to areas to be included in the Corporate Plan. Areas for improvement are grouped into four macro areas: Governance, People, Stakeholder engagement and Environment.

The state of progress of the projects and the achievement of planned goals with their respective targets are monitored by the Snam sustainability function, which is also responsible for preparing reports for stakeholders through the annual publication of the Report and the updating of the content in the sustainability section on the website.


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Areas for improvement

Actions (2010-2011 and in progress)


In this Report

Sustainability model

Ensuring adequate oversight of sustainability issues at all Snam companies, in line with Snam’s governance and guidelines

  • “Sustainability Activities” procedure issued

  • Operating instructions for gathering data and for reporting updated

  • Key sustainability indicators (KPIs) reviewed


Development and sustainability
Sustainability in business
Toward the creation of shared value

Business ethics

Updating the Code of Ethics and disseminating the principles set out in the Code (and in Model 231) within the group, developing training courses for staff

  • Created “Team 231”, which will handle the updating of the respective model

  • “Anti-Corruption Guidelines” adopted by the Board of Directors

  • Created Anti-Corruption Legal Support Unit

  • Active participation by Snam in the working group on human rights sponsored by the Global Compact Network Italy


Ethics and Corporate Governance

Risk & Crisis management

Implementing integrated group risk management, including ethical, social and environmental risks

  • Development and implementation of Business Continuity project


Service security and continuity

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Areas for improvement

Actions (2010-2011 and in progress)


In this Report

KPIs pre-established with quantitative target.


Increasing the wealth of abilities and skills and maintain a high degree of staff involvement

  • More than 187,100 hours of training provided in 2011 to more than 16,400 participants

  • Involved 90% of the corporate workforce

Developing and making the most of human capital

Health and safety

Reducing accident rates through an integrated programme and implementing H&S management systems

  • More than 30,000 hours of HSE training provided in 2011

  • Continued the activities in the three-year “Objective Safety” programme

  • Continued the implementation of H&S management systems at Stogit and GNL Italia with the goal of certifying them in 2012

  • Instituted “District HSE Teams”

  • Performed 359 HSEQ audits at operating units

  • Activities are under way to make a computer application to support H&S processes

Health and safety

Valuing people

Implementing growth tracks and identify specific assessment methodologies based on role and seniority, also taking into account geographic mobility

  • A specific two-year trainee programme was begun for university graduates just entering the workforce

  • The “Peak Performance” project for operation heads was begun

  • Prepared the “360° Outlook” initiative for the development of managers under 40


Developing and making the most of human capital

Internal com-
munications / Listening to people

Implementing communication and interaction tools and carrying out a group-wide climate survey

  • Group intranet platform created

  • Continued publishing the “Energia” newsletter distributed to all employees

  • Held meetings planned under the “Sapernedi+” initiative to disclose values and strategies to the corporate workforce


Involvement and internal communication

Corporate welfare

Studying and carrying out initiatives to benefit employees

  • Increased agreements for employees in different sectors (entertainment, culture, sports, travel and hotel stay deals)


Developing and making the most of human capital

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Areas for improvement

Actions (2010-2011 and in progress)


In this Report

KPIs pre-established with quantitative target.

Engagement model

Actions for involvement by type of stakeholder and enhancing communication with the media

  • Specific initiatives for suppliers and for communities and territory were implemented

  • Completed the restyling of the websites of all group companies


Sustainability in business


Defining an overall strategy consistent with business activities and launching initiatives on the subject

  • Developed a structured internal sharing process that made it possible to carry out an engagement plan with non-profits (scouting, workshops and selection)

  • Held “Volunteering Week”, which involved staff at San Donato Milanese and Turin sites

  • The specific procedure for non-profit initiatives is in the process of being approved


Community and territory
Involvement and internal communication

Communities and Territory

Implementing actions for dialogue and involvement

  • Carried out a pilot study for evaluating the socioeconomic impact of works

  • Carried out a pilot survey on satisfaction with infrastructure execution

  • Instituted an information booth in the Bordolano Town Hall for the new storage project

  • Continued educational meetings at schools

  • Organised open days at some plants

Community and territory


Defining guidelines on relations with the government

  • The specific procedure is in the process of being approved




Increasing information for institutional and retail investors

  • Continued activity for communicating with the financial market (roadshows, sector conferences, group and one-to-one meetings)

Financial performance


Implementing sales process quality, traceability and transparency

  • Obtained ISO 9001 certification for the transportation capacity process

  • Upgraded websites for managing transportation capacity and storage capacity

  • Held a meeting with representatives of transportation and storage service users to share new operating developments introduced to the websites

  • Conducted a customer satisfaction survey for the storage business


Value for customers


Extending sustainability best practices along the supply chain

  • Requested certification of HSEQ systems from new strategic suppliers

  • Provided for certification of HSEQ systems by 2012 for existing strategic suppliers

  • Organised the Suppliers’ Day for Sustainability, with the participation of about 75 companies

  • Dissemination of the principles of the Global Compact by updating contractual documentation for all group companies

Ethics and Responsibility in Procurement

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Areas for improvement

Actions (2010-2011 and in progress)


In this Report

KPIs pre-established with quantitative target.

Climate change and energy efficiency

Limiting greenhouse gas emissions

  • Continued activities for reducing gas leaks

  • Continued activities for reducing energy consumption

  • Increased the share of electricity produced from renewable sources

Carbon footprint and energy efficiency

Atmospheric emissions

Restricting nitrogen oxide emissions

  • Continued programmes for installing low-emission turbines and equipment

Carbon footprint and energy efficiency
Other environmental performance


Integrating biodiversity into the sustainability policy

  • Approved a new sustainability policy including guidelines for safeguarding the biodiversity of ecosystems



Land recovery

Reclamation of sites contaminated by previous industrial activity

  • Continued projects relative to plants undergoing reclamation activity


Other environmental performance


Reducing draws and optimising water discharges

  • Installed phyto-purification equipment for waste water discharges


Other environmental performance


Increasing waste sorting and recycling

  • Increased waste sorting at the San Donato Milanese, Turin and Crema sites


Other environmental performance

Noise emissions

Mitigating emissions from the most exposed facilities

  • Continued monitoring and soundproofing of some reduction cabins


Other environmental performance


Reducing the visual impact of infrastructure

  • Completed the study for defining the planting standard for well areas

  • Pilot carried out in Minerbio 85 well area



Management systems


Snam adopts specific certified management systems with the objective of ensuring that corporate processes and activities meet the required standards on worker health and safety, environmental protection and the quality of the services offered.

The table shows the various management system certifications and laboratory accreditations obtained.

In 2011, Snam Rete Gas obtained the certification of compliance with UNI-EN-ISO 9001 quality management system standards for the process of defining network transportation capacity. The inspections, conducted by DNV, were completed with a favourable outcome in May, confirming the Company’s attentiveness to process quality, transparency and traceability.

In order to verify the application and effectiveness of the management systems adopted, identify opportunities for improvement and verify legal compliance, periodic audits are systematically planned and performed. During the year, 359 audits were performed (including 313 internal audits by specialised staff and 46 by external companies). In addition, all of the activities necessary for maintaining and renewing existing certifications were implemented.

Specifically, we note that at the end of the year the environmental management systems certified according to the ISO 14001 standard for the gas compression stations and gas pipeline networks of Snam Rete Gas, verified by the certifying entity, were integrated into a single management system. Therefore, starting in 2012, a single certification will be implemented.

For 2012 the main objectives are:

  • extend certification of worker health and safety management systems in accordance with the OHSAS 18001 standard to the entire Snam group;
  • plan activities at Snam Rete Gas to extend the environmental management system in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard to the whole company.
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Field of application

Type of certification and accreditation

Year of initial certification

Snam Rete Gas

Compression stations (11 facilities)

ISO 14001


Snam Rete Gas

Gas pipeline network (8 districts, 54 maintenance centres, and 32,010 km of gas pipelines)

ISO 14001


Snam Rete Gas

Dispatching of natural gas

ISO 9001


Snam Rete Gas

Natural gas metering service, transportation network, and management of the design and construction of metering apparatus

ISO 9001


Snam Rete Gas


OHSAS 18001


Snam Rete Gas

Defining network transportation capacity

ISO 9001


Snam Rete Gas

Calibration of natural gas mixtures



Snam Rete Gas

Piped gas flow emissions analysis tests





ISO 14001



Natural gas metering and accounting service

ISO 9001


GNL Italia

Regasification plant

ISO 14001




ISO 14001
ISO 9001
OHSAS 18001


Napoletana Gas


ISO 14001
ISO 9001
OHSAS 18001


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Global reporting initiative

The results in this report obtained the A+ level of compliance to GRI reporting guidelines

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