Global Compact reconciliation table


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Global Compact –
the ten principles

2011 Sustainability Report

GRI Indicators

Human rights

Principle 1, 2 – Companies are asked to promote and respect universally recognised human rights in their respective spheres of influence and to make sure they are not complicit, even indirectly, in human rights violations

  • Respect for human rights is expressly mentioned in the Snam Code of Ethics and in contractual relations with suppliers. Since early 2012, all companies in the Snam group disclose to all employees and partners, through contractual documentation, the ten principles stated by the Global Compact with the intention of disseminating the values contained in them.
    Global Compact
    Ethics and Corporate Governance
    Ethics and Responsibility in Procurement

HR1, HR2, HR3, HR4, HR8, LA4, LA7, LA8, LA13

  • Snam operates in full compliance with Italian law, with the setting of legal age being an indispensable requirement for hiring at the Company.
    Ethics and Corporate Governance

  • An initiative has been implemented to disseminate the Global Compact principles among company suppliers, with the adoption of explanatory cover pages on contracts.
    Ethics and Responsibility in Procurement


Principle 1, 2 - Companies are asked to promote and respect universally recognised human rights in their respective spheres of influence and to make sure they are not complicit, even indirectly, in human rights violations

  • The Energy and Petroleum and Gas-Water national collective labour agreements apply. All workers are guaranteed the right to express their own thoughts, join associations and engage in union activity.
    Developing and making the most of human capital

HR1, HR2, LA2, LA3, LA4, LA7, LA8, LA12, LA13

  • All companies in the Snam group are completing the procedure for managing the worker health and safety management system according to the OHSAS 18001 standards.
    Sustainability in business

  • Initiatives have been developed associated with the Objective Safety Project, which involves all Snam companies. The project also includes the “Safety Trophy” and “Zero Accidents Prize”.
    Health and safety

  • The group intranet platform was made to encourage integration between the different companies.
    Health and safety


Principle 7, 8, 9 – Companies are asked to maintain a preventive approach to environmental challenges; to undertake initiatives that promote greater environmental responsibility; and to encourage the development and dissemination of technologies that respect the environment

  • The companies are certified according to the ISO 14001 standard, and a preventive environmental approach aimed at continual improvement is adopted
    Sustainability in business

EN3, EN4, EN6, EN7, EN8, EN9, EN12, EN13, EN14, EN16, EN18, EN20, EN21, EN22; EN24, EN26, EN30

  • Snam has joined the international initiative “Clean Up the World”, promoted by Legambiente, involving the active participation of employees and some school students.
    Community and territory

  • Snam particularly pays attention to biodiversity issues in relation to its relationship with stakeholders and to its operating activities, taking as reference the Millennium Development Goal concerning environmental and biodiversity protection.
    Global Compact

Fight against corruption

Principle 10 – Companies commit to fighting corruption in any form, including extortion and bribery

  • The Anti-Corruption Guidelines have been adopted and the organisational structure has been made compliant with the creation of the Anti-Corruption Legal Support Unit.
    Ethics and Corporate Governance

SO2, SO3, SO4

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Global reporting initiative

The results in this report obtained the A+ level of compliance to GRI reporting guidelines

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