The Snam Sustainability Report refers to the year ending on 31 December 2012 and maintains the same reporting scope as the previous year, except for the information on corporate governance and ownership structure, which was updated as of the date of publication of the Report.
The document includes the information for stakeholders provided in the consolidated financial statements, showing physical and monetary data, performance indicators and qualitative information indicative of the significant and material social, environmental and economic impacts of Snam’s various activities:
- transportation (Snam Rete Gas S.p.A.);
- liquefied natural gas regasification (GNL Italia S.p.A);
- storage (Stogit S.p.A.);
- distribution (Italgas S.p.A., with subsidiary Napoletanagas).
The materiality analysis is updated annually within the scope of the annual planning cycle that leads to determination of the areas and work for improvement, taking account in particular of the indications that emerge from comparison with peers on a European and national level, stakeholder engagement activities and the monitoring of subjects covered by the media.
The economic data shown derive from the Snam group consolidated financial statements, while the methods of calculation used to determine the different indicators are described in the specific sections.
In addition, information is provided in the appropriate form on significant events occurring after the end of the year.
To ensure the comparability over time of the indicators deemed most significant and to give the reader the chance to compare the performance obtained, current values have been placed alongside those for the previous two years, using graphs and tables.
The Report is prepared in accordance with the Reporting Guidelines in their most up-to-date G3.1 version, issued by the Global Reporting Initiative in May 2011. The Report’s level of compliance with the standards is A+, certified by the GRI. Verification of the Report’s reconciliation with GRI protocols is facilitated by the specific table appended to the Report.
The process of gathering data and information and preparing the Report was coordinated and managed by the Sustainability unit of the parent company, Snam, in cooperation with the different corporate units and the operating companies. Publication of the document, simultaneous with that of the consolidated financial statements, is subject to approval by the Snam Board of Directors on 27 February 2013.
The Report was audited by the company mandated to audit (Ernst & Young) based on the principles and guidelines of the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE 3000) issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). The audit results are included in the compliance certification appended to this Report.
Lastly, this year, as is customary, the contents of the Report, with supplementary information, were posted on the sustainability section of the website, www.snam.it.
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Reference period |
2012 |
Report coverage |
Annual |
Previous report |
Sustainability Report 2011 |
Contact person |
Domenico Negrini – Bruno Andreetto |
Accessibility |
The sections report the Key Performance Indicators (KPI), the pre-set targets and the results obtained during the year. KPI make it possible to monitor specific sustainability targets with a view to continual improvement
KPI Legend
Target achieved
Annual target achieved (KPI with multi-year targets)
Activity in progress
Target non achieved
The document contains the codes corresponding to the GRI guidelines, for ease of reference and interpretation.
GRI Indicator Symbols
(e.g.) Content corresponding to a GRI indicator