- The Presence column indicates the level of compliance with the standards (disclosure) according to the legend specified below
Fully reported
(the data/information meet the requirements of the standards completely)Partially reported
(the data/information meet the requirements of the standards only in part)Not reported
(the data/information have not been gathered or are not sufficiently representative)n.a. Not applicable
(the data/information called for by the standards are not significant or are not relevant)
- The References column indicates the report pages where the contents referring to the requirements of the standards are shown (pages in italics refer to full sector details)
- The Notes/Comments column includes information additional to the Sustainability Report or that provides further clarification on the statements made in the Report.
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Presence |
References |
Notes / Comments |
1.1 |
Message from top manager – Message from the Chairman |
| |
1.2 |
Description of principal impacts, risks and opportunities (in terms of sustainability) |
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Presence |
References |
Notes / Comments |
2.1 |
Name of the organisation |
| |
2.2 |
Main activities |
| |
2.3 |
Organisational structure |
| |
2.4 |
Location of general headquarters |
| |
2.5 |
Local market presence |
| |
2.6 |
Ownership structure |
| |
2.7 |
Markets served |
| |
2.8-2.9 |
Size of the organisation and significant changes in size, structure and ownership structure |
| |
2.10 |
Awards and prizes received during the period |
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Presence |
References |
Notes / Comments |
3.1-3.3 |
Period of reference of the document, last report published and frequency of reporting |
| |
3.4 |
Contact persons and addresses |
| |
3.5-3.7 |
Reporting process, scope and limitations |
| |
3.8 |
Information on joint ventures, subsidiaries, leased plants, outsourcing activities and other |
| |
3.9 |
Data measurement techniques and basis for calculation |
3.10 |
Explanation of effects of any change to information included in previous reports and reasons |
| |
3.11 |
Significant changes in objective, scope or measurement methods used |
| |
3.12 |
Table of G3.1 content |
| |
3.13 |
Policies and practices on independent auditing |
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Presence |
References |
Notes / Comments |
4.1 |
Governance structure |
| |
4.2 |
Executive status of Chairman |
4.3 |
Independence of governance bodies |
| |
4.4 |
Mechanisms available to shareholders and employees to provide recommendations or directives to the highest governance body |
4.5 |
Link between compensation and performance of the organisation |
4.6 |
Activities to ensure that conflicts of interest do not occur |
| |
4.7 |
Processes for determining the qualifications of the highest governance body to guide the organisation’s strategy |
4.8 |
Mission, values and Code of Conduct |
Highlights, |
4.9 |
Procedures and committees for managing sustainability-related performance |
| |
4.10 |
Performance evaluation of the members of the highest governance body |
4.11 |
Explanation of any method of application of the prudence principle or approach |
| |
4.12 |
Signing and adoption of codes of conduct, principles and charters developed by external organisations |
| |
4.13 |
Participation in trade associations |
4.14 |
List of stakeholders with which the Company interacts |
| |
4.15 |
Principles for identifying stakeholders |
| |
4.16 |
Approach adopted for the activity of involving stakeholders |
| |
4.17 |
Results of involvement |
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Presence |
References |
Notes / Comments | |
Information on operating method (EC) | |||
EC1 |
Economic value generated and distributed directly |
| |
EC2 |
Economic and financial implications associated with climate change |
| |
EC3 |
Coverage of obligations assumed at the time of defining the pension plan (benefit plan obligations) |
EC4 |
Significant government economic assistance |
EC5 |
Ratio of wages of new hires to local minimum wage in the most significant operating sites |
EC6 |
Policies, practices and percentage of expenses concentrated on local suppliers |
| |
EC7 |
Procedures for hiring people residing where the activity is primarily carried out and percentage of senior managers hired in local communities |
| |
EC8 |
Impacts of investments in infrastructure for the benefit of local communities, through commercial commitments, donations of products/services or other pro-bono activities |
| |
EC9 |
Analysis and description of main indirect economic impacts considering the external effects generated |
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Presence |
References |
Notes / Comments | |
Information on operating method (EN) | |||
EN1 |
Raw materials used by weight and volume |
Supply chain: responsible dialogue, |
EN2 |
Percentage of material used deriving from recycled material |
| |
EN3 |
Direct energy consumption broken down by primary energy source |
Carbon footprint and energy efficiency, |
EN4 |
Indirect energy consumption broken down by primary energy source |
Carbon footprint and energy efficiency, |
EN5 |
Energy savings due to conservation and improvements in terms of efficiency |
Carbon footprint and energy efficiency, |
EN6 |
Initiatives to provide services that are energy efficient or based on renewable energy and consequent reduction in energy needs as a result of these initiatives |
Carbon footprint and energy efficiency, |
EN7 |
Initiatives geared toward reducing indirect energy consumption and reductions obtained |
| |
EN8 |
Total water procurement broken down by source |
| |
EN9 |
Water sources significantly affected by water consumption |
| |
EN10 |
Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused |
| |
EN11 |
Location and size of land owned, leased or managed in protected areas (or adjacent to protected areas) or in areas with high biodiversity outside of protected areas. |
EN12 |
Description of the major impacts of activities, products and services on the biodiversity of protected areas or areas with high biodiversity outside protected areas. |
| |
EN13 |
Protected or restored habitats |
| |
EN14 |
Strategies, actions implemented and future plans for managing impacts on biodiversity |
EN15 |
Number of protected species that have their habitat in the organisation’s areas of operation, broken down by level of risk of extinction |
EN16 |
Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight |
| |
EN17 |
Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight |
| |
EN18 |
Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and results achieved |
| |
EN19 |
Emissions of substances harmful to the ozone layer by weight |
| |
EN20 |
NOx , SOx and other significant emissions into the air broken down by type and weight |
| |
EN21 |
Total water discharged by quality and destination |
| |
EN22 |
Total weight of waste by type and by disposal method |
| |
EN23 |
Total number and volume of significant spills |
EN24 |
Weight of waste classified as hazardous that is transported, imported, exported or treated and the percentage transported abroad. |
EN25 |
Identity, size, protection status and value of the biodiversity of aquatic fauna and flora and the respective habitats significantly affected by water discharges |
EN26 |
Initiatives to mitigate the environmental impact of products and services and degree of mitigation of the impact |
Infrastructure sustainability, |
EN27 |
Percentage of products sold and respective packaging material recycled or reused by category |
n.a. |
EN28 |
Monetary value of significant fines and number of non-monetary penalties due to failure to comply with environmental laws and regulations |
EN29 |
Significant environmental impacts from the transportation of goods/materials used for the organisation’s activity and for personnel travel |
EN30 |
Expenses and investments in environmental protection, broken down by type |
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Presence |
References |
Notes / Comments | |
Information on operating method (LA) | |||
LA1 |
Total number of employees, broken down by type, type of contract and geographic distribution |
Stakeholder relations, |
LA2 |
Total number of personnel and turnover rate, broken down by age, sex and geographic area |
| |
LA3 |
Benefits provided for full-time workers |
| |
LA4 |
Percentage of employees covered by collective labour agreements |
| |
LA5 |
Minimum period of notice for operational modifications (organisational changes), specifying whether or not such conditions are included in the collective labour agreement |
LA6 |
Percentage of workers represented on the health and safety committee |
LA7 |
Rate of workplace accidents, sickness, lost work days, absenteeism and total number of deaths, broken down by geographic area |
| |
LA8 |
Educational, training, consulting and risk prevention and control programmes implemented in support of workers, their families or the community, relative to disturbances or serious diseases |
| |
LA9 |
Union agreements on health and safety |
LA10 |
Average annual hours of training per employee, broken down by worker classification |
Developing and making the most of human capital |
LA11 |
Programmes for managing skills and for promoting training/continuing education in support of the continuing employment of employees and for managing the final phase of their careers |
| |
LA12 |
Percentage of employees who regularly receive performance and career development evaluations |
| |
LA13 |
Composition of the Company’s governance boards and breakdown of employees by classification based on gender, age, membership to protected categories and other diversity indicators |
LA14 |
Ratio of men’s base wages to women’s base wages for the same classification |
| |
LA15 |
Rate of return to work after parental leave |
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Presence |
References |
Notes / Comments | |
Information on operating method (HR) | |||
HR1 |
Number and percentage of investments that include clauses on respecting human rights |
HR2 |
Percentage of suppliers and contractors that are subjected to audits on human rights and respective actions taken |
HR3 |
Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concerning human rights and percentage of workers trained |
| |
HR4 |
Total number of episodes of discriminatory practices and actions taken |
| |
HR5 |
Identification of activities in which the freedom of association and collective bargaining could be exposed to significant risks and actions taken in defence of such rights |
HR6 |
Identification of operations at high risk for recourse to child labour and the measures adopted to aid its elimination |
HR7 |
Activities at high risk for recourse to forced or compulsory labour and measures taken to aid their elimination |
HR8 |
Percentage of safety personnel that have received training on human rights procedures and policies |
HR9 |
Number of violations of rights of local communities and actions taken |
| |
HR10 |
Operations analysed for purposes of the human rights impact |
n.a. |
HR11 |
Composition of disputes on human rights |
n.a. |
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Presence |
References |
Notes / Comments | |
Information on operating method (SO) | |||
SO1 |
Nature, objective and effectiveness of programmes and/or practices for evaluating and managing impact on a given community, including activity commencement, operation and decommissioning phases |
Infrastructure sustainability, |
SO2 |
Percentage of business units analysed for corruption risk |
| |
SO3 |
Percentage of employees with anti-corruption training |
| |
SO4 |
Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption |
| |
SO5 |
Positions on public policy, participation in the development of public policies and pressures exercised |
SO6 |
Total financial contributions and benefits provided to parties, politicians and institutions by country |
SO7 |
Total legal actions regarding unfair competition, anti-trust and monopolistic practices and respective judgments |
SO8 |
Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary penalties due to non-compliance with laws or regulations |
SO 9 |
Operations with potential negative impact on local communities |
| |
SO10 |
Prevention measures adopted to mitigate the negative impact of operations on local communities |
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Presence |
References |
Notes / Comments | |
Information on operating method (PR) | |||
PR1 |
Impact of product on health and safety |
| |
PR2 |
Total cases of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes |
PR3 |
Consumer and labelling information |
| |
PR4 |
Total cases of non-compliance with regulations or voluntary codes on information on and labelling of products/services |
n.a. |
PR5 |
Customer satisfaction practices |
| |
PR6 |
Compliance with laws, standards and voluntary codes on marketing activities |
n.a. |
PR7 |
Total cases of non-compliance with regulations or voluntary codes on marketing activities |
n.a. |
PR8 |
Number of complaints for violation of privacy and loss of consumer information |
PR9 |
Amount of penalties for violation of regulations on the supply and use of products and services |

The calculation methods used to determine the various figures are indicated in the relevant related sections.
The chairman of the Board of Directors is a non-executive
Investors are asked to exercise their role at shareholders’ meetings. For information on how shareholders’ meetings work, see the governance report.To encourage dialogue with shareholders,SNAM has an Investor Relations function
See the Corporate Governance Report
See the website, www.snam.it
See the website, www.snam.it
See the Corporate Governance Report
See the website, www.snam.it
Snam offers its employees pension coverage that is supplemental to the public system, ona voluntary acceptance basis. At the time of termination of employment, all employees receive post employment bewnefits.(Please refer to the Consolidated Annual Report and to the website, www.fondenergia.it)
There is none
Compared to the 2011 Report the information has been expanded showing the main Natura 2000 areas affected by the distance of the gas pipelines
No significant spills occurred during the period
Not relevant, since Snam’s core business is the provision of services that do not involve the use of packaging
There is not administrative fine in the period
The provisions of the national collective labour agreements are applied (see LA 4)
Worker representation is ensured through ref. T.U. Legislative Decree No. 81/2008 and the national agreements
Worker representation is ensured through ref. T.U. Legislative Decree No. 81/2008 and the national agreements
The average hours of training divided by workers categories can be found in the table on page 66.The average hours of training are usually presentin the body text on p.66
See Consolidated Annual Report for the composition of the governance bodies
The investments are made in Italy.
99.9% of suppliers are located in European countries, where respect for human rights is guaranteed by law
SNAM operates in Italy and applies the current regulations on the subject
SNAM operates in Italy and applies the current regulations
SNAM operates in Italy and applies the current regulations
In the area of site safety, Snam predominantly employs specialised external companies that train staff directly
Not relevant, since SNAM is a regulated company
Not relevant, since SNAM is a regulated company
For a list of associations in which Snam participates, see http://www.snam.it/it/sostenibilita/area-economica/tecnologiainnovazione/enti_istituz_snam.html
SNAM does not make direct or indirect contributions in any form to political and union parties, movements, committees or organisations, their representatives or their candidates, except those provided for by specific regulations
See Consolidated Annual Report
Not relevant, since SNAMis a regulated company
Not relevant, since SNAMis a regulated company