Snam has infrastructure in every region of Italy, in areas and communities with different values and traditions as well as different economic, social and environmental conditions.
In this context, Snam’s policy is to build new infrastructure, adopting a rigorous, transparent and cooperative approach to ensure that establishments are environmentally compatible and to encourage their acceptance by stakeholders.
Snam’s priority is its relations with central and local government. These relations were strengthened in 2012, first by the new ownership structure adopted to implement the EU’s Third Energy Package and then by support for the separation from Eni. The Company’s relations with trade associations and with young people in schools are just as important. During 2012, this area saw the continuation of the programme of events already begun the previous year, with primary and secondary school and college students from different regions among the main participants.
Snam was also more involved with trade associations in 2012. The main developments were: joining, along with its subsidiaries, Anigas (gas industry body and Confindustria member); entering into an autonomous agreement with Confindustria and then registering at 51 regional Confindustria headquarters, with the aim of extending Snam’s position in trade associations in line with the presence of Snam companies throughout Italy; and joining the Aspen Institute think tank and the Valore Donna association.
During the year, Snam was also a key adviser to the government on the preparation of the National Energy Strategy document and a major player in the strategic critical infrastructure project managed by the civil protection department of the Lombardy Region. The ultimate aim of this project is to define operating procedures aimed at limiting the impact of severe weather or man-made events on energy, road, transportation and telecoms infrastructure.

GNL Italia has provided the local community with a green space that it owns near its Panigaglia plant in La Spezia. The area, which looks out onto the bay of the same name, covers about 4 km2. GNL has fully restored the landscape and environment of this green space, planting typical native Mediterranean species and creating a scenic pathway. The area is open to the public during normal public park opening times. Under the agreement, GNL Italia has also made space in Ca’Bertocchi, the building at the entrance to the regasification terminal, available to the municipality of Portovenere. They will be given the use of a multimedia room with total capacity of about 80 people to host conferences and public events. By making this area available, Snam is pursuing its corporate aim of generating both growth opportunities and competitive advantages for the community.
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Name |
Objective and content |
Participants and facilities involved |
Preserving energy and protecting the local area |
Public information point at the town hall in the municipality of Cupello (CH) on the field at Fiume Treste, the largest storage site in Italy. |
The local community affected by the Fiume Treste (CH) storage project |
A visit to the station |
Programme of guided tours of Snam plants for schoolchildren. Education days for children on the subject of energy and giving them close-up experience, using plant technicians to help them to understand the workings of the sites and equipment, turbines and compressors, and the technology used for the purposes of safety and protecting the environment. |
Students from Istituto Superiore Crema (CR), Scuola Media di Minerbio (BO), Pontebba (UD), Tarvisio (UD) and Barcellona P.G. (ME). Stogit plants in Sergnano (CR) and Minerbio (BO), and Snam Rete Gas compression stations in Malborghetto (UD) and Messina |
Down to Earth |
These events for students aim to raise awareness of the group’s commitment to sustainability, touching on topics such as energy and different energy sources, natural gas and its use in relation to the environment, and the environmental restoration best practice carried out by the Company. Legambiente has participated in some of these events, educating children about saving energy. |
Students from Scuola Media di Minerbio (BO) and Istituto Superiore di La Spezia |
Educational visit to Parco dei Nebrodi |
Visit to parts of Parco dei Nebrodi through which the recently constructed Bronte-Montalbano Elicona natural gas pipeline passes. Snam Rete Gas has launched a vegetation restoration project in the park, which, with a view to reinstating the original habitat, will fully restore the area concerned, representing for the company an excellent model for combining environmental sustainability with local development. |
Students from Istituto Superiore di Sant’Agata di Militello (ME) |
Clean Up the World |
Snam has taken an active role in raising schools' awareness of and encouraging their participation in “Clean Up the World” days, a Legambiente voluntary environmental initiative. With the help of the municipality, the company has helped to organise a day dedicated to cleaning the town for the Bordolano primary school, handing out cleaning kits and materials to pupils. |
Students from Scuola Elementare di Bordolano (CR) |
Federparchi protocol agreement |
Signed in May 2012, the protocol agreement with Federparchi provides for shared nature projects with a view to improving protection of the local environment and biodiversity. |
Snam on the Sodalitas Social Innovation technical committee |
In 2012, Snam remained a member of the technical committee of Sodalitas Social Innovation, the programme created by the Sodalitas Foundation to help non-profit organisations implement quality social business plans that will attract interest from business partners and sponsors. In total, 123 non-profit organisations took part in the second Sodalitas Social Innovation, presenting 129 projects. (The website www.socialinnovation.sodalitas.it has been set up for people to see all the proposed projects). |
Around €724,000 has been spent on donations, sponsorships and local initiatives, excluding environmental compensation.
For the purposes of continuing with commitments undertaken in previous years, the educational event key performance indicator (KPI) was renewed in 2012. Snam comfortably met its target for the year.
Download XLS (16 kB) |
KPI description |
KPI date |
Pre-set |
Target achieved |
Sector |
Activity |
Hold educational events for schools and citizens (no) |
2012 |
Hold eight events in 2012 |
14 |
Snam group |

More than 1,000 linear metres of documents, 6,000 volumes, pamphlets and magazines, 35,000 newspapers, photos and posters and 350 pieces of equipment and tools from the period. These are the “numbers” for the Historical Archive and the Italgas Museum, which are unique in Italy. Recovering and conserving historical material is a fundamental value in our corporate culture. The Historical Archive and the Italgas Museum demonstrate the importance of seeking out documentation and making it available to the community and academics: this material bears witness not only to a company’s life in society, but also to a technological revolution that has helped to shape the country, and the archive and museum have already been recognised by the regional cultural heritage board as an “Archive of Historical Interest”. In 2012, to further strengthen the relationship between stakeholders and regional authorities, Snam decided to create value from the cultural and archive assets of the Italgas Museum and Library within a Shared Value perspective, making its own spaces available for educational purposes. In particular, the “Thursday Laboratories” initiative was launched for primary and secondary school students. This is intended to transmit, through direct contact and dynamic learning, an enthusiasm for objects, people, photographs, discoveries and documents conserved in the Museum, a rich heritage that tells not only the history of the Company, but also part of the history of Italy and the city of Turin.
On Thursdays (which are reserved by the Museum for schools interested in taking part in the initiative), the students, guided by an educator, are welcomed and introduced to the educational subject through objects, pictures and films: with the help of ad hoc teaching materials to aid understanding, they are shown how to make a product, to give them a better perspective on the company and the history of the country, which they can take with them throughout their studies.