The commitment to Snam’s new identity, developments in the regulatory framework and changes to the ownership and organisational structure, had effects in 2012 on various themes and areas of interest for stakeholders outside and the people working in it.
Sustainability is an integral part of Snam’s business model. The sustainability management model covers all companies in the group and is embedded in all phases of the company’s business (Planning, Management, Monitoring and Reporting, Communications and Stakeholder engagement). Subject to top management approval, sustainability objectives are pursued by means of specific projects and initiatives in the short and medium term, which are included in the company’s action plans. All the activities planned by the model are coordinated by Snam’s Sustainability Department and are carried out jointly by the different departments of Snam and its subsidiaries.
Many of the initiatives implemented are part of “Areas for Improvement in Sustainability”, the four-year corporate plan drawn up with the involvement of the various departments and approved by senior management. The Areas for Improvement are also defined on the basis of stimuli and guidelines arising from Snam’s participation in bodies, including international bodies, working for sustainable development, such as the Global Compact.
The year’s initiatives include – to name only the most significant areas – action to make risk management more efficient in respect of security of supplies and continuity of service, to improve services provided to customers and users and to nourish relations between communities and regions, as well as the accident prevention commitment, which has a particular focus on suppliers. Other initiatives, including training, encouraged a return to the ethical principles on which management of the company is based, and there were also specific actions relating to compliance and self-regulation in the areas of anti-trust and anti-corruption.

The actions implemented were not confined to the areas mentioned, but also include a review of sustainable development policy and changes in strategic thinking on sustainability. Corporate activities were re-examined in a search for potential new projects to launch under Shared Value, the development approach initiated by Michael Porter that Snam began to explore last year, seeing it as aligned with the Company’s vision of creating value for itself and its stakeholders through ever-closer integration between business and corporate social responsibility. A section of this Report is specifically devoted to Shared Value.
The sustainable development policy, which applies to all the group companies, can be viewed at: