Global Compact reconciliation table

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The ten principles

Sustainability Report 2012

GRI Indicators

Human rights

Principles 1 and 2 - Businesses are required to promote and respect internationally proclaimed human rights within their sphere of influence and to ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses, even indirectly.

  • Respect for human rights is expressly mentioned in the Snam Code of Ethics and in contractual relations with suppliers. All suppliers are expected to subscribe to and comply with the Code of Ethics, with international labour requirements and to declare that they do not employ personnel below the minimum age imposed by law.

Supply chain: responsible dialogue

HR1, HR2, HR3, HR4, HR8, LA4, LA7, LA8, LA13

  • As stated in its Code of Ethics, Snam is committed to combating all forms of discrimination and to respect all kinds of diversity.

Health and safety

  • Snam operates in full compliance with Italian law, setting the age of majority as a prerequisite for company recruitment.

  • A knowledge-sharing initiative with suppliers has been launched, aimed at increasing and providing assistance in the field of sustainability.

Supply chain: responsible dialogue
Health and safety

  • An initiative has been implemented to disseminate the Global Compact principles among the Company’s suppliers, with the adoption of explanatory cover pages on contracts.

Supply chain: responsible dialogue

  • Inspection audits are carried out on its suppliers.

Supply chain: responsible dialogue


Principles 3, 4, 5 and 6 - Businesses are required to uphold freedom of association and the recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; the abolition in practice of child labour; and the elimination of all forms of discrimination in respect of employment and work.

  • The national collective labour agreements for Energy & Petroleum and Gas-Water have been applied. All workers are guaranteed the right to express their own thoughts freely, to join trade associations and engage in union activities.

Developing and making the most of human capital

HR1, HR2, LA2, LA3, LA4, LA7, LA8, LA12, LA13

  • The process of administering the management systems for the health and safety of workers, in accordance with OHSAS 18001 standards, have been completed for all Snam Group companies.

Health and safety

  • Conducted a workshop specifically for its strategic suppliers on Health and Safety in the workplace.

Health and safety

  • Developed initiatives connected with the Objective Safety Project involving all Snam companies, further improving the accident indices.

Health and safety

  • Provided about 27,000 hours of training on subjects related to Health, Safety and the Environment.

Health and safety

  • Adopted a programme of collective incentives and the use of tools to evaluate the performance of all employees.

Developing and making the most of human capital

  • Sponsored initiatives to help improve the work-life balance.

Company welfare

  • Carried out a climate analysis for the entire group.

Jobs and industrial relations

  • Implemented initiatives to involve employees in voluntary work.

Internal engagement


Principles 7, 8 and 9 - Businesses are required to provide support for a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; to undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and to encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

  • Companies are certified for compliance with ISO 14001 standards and adopting a precautionary approach to the environment, dedicated to continuous improvement.

Management systems

EN3, EN4, EN6, EN7, EN8, EN9, EN12, EN13, EN14, EN16, EN18, EN20, EN21, EN22, EN24, EN26, EN30

  • Adopted the best technology available for minimising impacts on the environment, continued commissioning plants for energy production from renewable sources and used electricity from renewable sources.

Carbon footprint and energy efficiency
Other environmental performance

  • Encouraged eco-responsible behaviour in offices, such as sorting waste at canteens and the use of recycled paper.

Other environmental performance

  • Participation in the international initiative “Clean up the World” promoted by Legambiente, involving the active participation of employees and some school students.

Local issues and the environment

  • Snam pays particular attention to the subject of biodiversity in its relations with stakeholders and in its daily business activity, taking as reference the Millennium Development Goal on environmental protection and the conservation of biodiversity.

Global Compact activities
Local issues and the environment

  • Signed a memorandum of understanding with Federparchi for the preparation of guidelines on biodiversity in areas impacted by its infrastructure.

Local issues and the environment

  • Conducted jointly with the Parco dei Nebrodi, an international conference and workshop dedicated to its own recovery best practices in this very area.



Principle 10 - Businesses are committed to working against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

  • Signed legal compliance protocols with local government and suppliers which require ethical behaviour in relationships between the various parties, more restrictive than the legal requirements and guaranteeing solid protection in relation to legality, in support of the development of fair, ethical and meritocratic local entrepreneurial activity.

Supply chain: responsible dialogue

SO2, SO3, SO4

  • Provided 416 hours of training on Model 231 and anti-corruption.

Developing and making the most of human capital

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Global reporting initiative

The results in this report obtained the A+ level of compliance to GRI reporting guidelines

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