The main guidelines and basic orientations that Snam follows in relation to everyone active in the group are set forth in a specific corporate policy – “Our People” – approved by the Board of Directors. They are then implemented using an articulated system of company governance that, in constant evolution, sets forth the rules, roles and responsibilities in operations.
Snam managerial action is indeed based on assigning precise objectives to each position of responsibility and on transparent assessment of the results achieved, thus making constant improvement possible, primarily, in the efficiency and effectiveness of organisational processes.
This sort of approach has also proven to be essential for successfully handling the changes that involved the group organisational structure during 2012, which became necessary in order to meet the obligations provided for by the Third European Directive. In light of these changes, Snam’s corporate system is ready to handle the new international strategic challenges and adapt itself to the new desires expressed by the market and stakeholders.
Similarly, the attention paid to enhancing internal sensitivities and perceptions has enabled information to be gathered that is useful for defining plans for improving the organisation’s “climate”. During the last quarter of 2012 the ongoing action of listening has been enriched with the creation of the initiative “Together – So Many Voices, the Snam group”, which has enabled all of Snam’s people to systematically provide their own assessments and ideas on the organisational climate of the business.

Climate Analysis
The climate analysis “Together – So Many Voices, the Snam group”, an initiative to better understand the business of today and tomorrow, was started up in the second part of 2012. This enquiry was an opportunity for everyone in the group to freely express his or her own opinion on the business and on his or her own job.
The climate analysis, conducted by a consulting firm, a world leader in the industry, has been based on a methodology tested and validated on an international level that enables the information and perceptions of people regarding the organisation of the business to intersect on three main components: cognitive, emotional and behavioural.
The enquiry was done by compiling a questionnaire administered on-line and in hard copy. The questionnaire that people answered consisted of about 50 questions related to: the feeling of belonging, work tools and resources, well-being, leadership at the top, relations and cooperation, change and communication, occupational development, social responsibility, health and safety.
The initiative had 75% participation from the corporate population as a whole, a significant outcome that demonstrates the widespread willingness on the part of the people working at Snam to participate in company life and contribute to its improvement.
The results of the analysis, which will be based on a comparison of the assessments by Snam personnel against those provided by a wide national and European benchmark for various business sectors, will be available during the first half of 2013. The results will enable a plan of action to be defined, aimed at further improving the climate of the business.