2 Consolidation principles
The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of Snam S.p.A. and of the companies over which the Company has the right to exercise direct or indirect control, as defined by IFRS 10 – “Consolidated Financial Statements”. Specifically, control exists where the controlling entity simultaneously:
- has the power to make decisions concerning the investee entity;
- is entitled to receive a share of or is exposed to the variable profits and losses of the investee entity;
- is able to exercise power over the investee entity in such a way as to affect the amount of its economic returns.
The proof of control must be verified on an ongoing basis by the Company, with a view to identifying all the facts or circumstances that may imply a change in one or more of the elements on which the existence of control over an investee entity depends.
The exclusion from the scope of consolidation of some subsidiaries, which are not significant either individually or collectively, had no material4 effect for the purposes of correctly representing the results, balance sheet and cash flow of the Snam Group. Such equity investments are measured using the criteria set forth under “Equity-accounted investments”.
Consolidated companies, non-consolidated subsidiaries, joint ventures, associates and other significant equity investments are indicated separately in the appendix “Subsidiaries, associates and significant equity investments of Snam S.p.A. at 31 December 2014”, which is an integral part of these notes. The same appendix lists the changes that took place in the scope of consolidation between 31 December 2013 and 31 December 2014.
All financial statements of consolidated companies close at 31 December and are presented in euro.
Equity investments in consolidated companies
Figures relating to subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date on which the Company assumes direct or indirect control over them until the date on which said control ceases to exist. An assessment of the impact of the preventative measure of judicial administration of which the subsidiary Italgas was notified on 11 July 2014 on the group’s scope of consolidation can be found in Note 24 – “Guarantees, commitments and risks – Disputes and other provisions”.
The assets, liabilities, income and expenses of companies subject to line-by-line consolidation are incorporated on a line-by-line basis in the consolidated financial statements; the book value of the equity investments in each of the subsidiaries is derecognised against the corresponding portion of shareholders’ equity of each of the investee entities, inclusive of any adjustments to the fair value on the date of acquisition of control.
The portions of equity and profit or loss attributable to minority interests are recorded separately in the appropriate items of shareholders’ equity, the income statement and the statement of comprehensive income.
Changes in the equity investments held directly or indirectly by the Company in subsidiaries which do not result in the loss of control are recorded as equity transactions. The book value of the shareholders’ equity pertaining to shareholders of the parent company and minority interests are adjusted to reflect the change in the equity investment. The difference between the book value of minority interests and the fair value of the consideration paid or received is recorded directly under equity pertaining to shareholders of the parent company.
Otherwise, the selling of interests entailing loss of control requires the posting to the income statement of: (i) any capital gains or losses calculated as the difference between the consideration received and the corresponding portion of Snam Group shareholders’ equity transferred; (ii) the effect of the revaluation of any residual equity investment maintained, to align it with the relative fair value; and (iii) any amounts posted to other components of comprehensive income relating to the former subsidiary. The value of the equity investment maintained, aligned with the relative fair value at the date of loss of control, represents the new book value of the equity investment, and therefore the reference value for the subsequent valuation of the equity investment according to the applicable valuation criteria.
Equity investments in associates and joint ventures
An associate is an investee company in relation to which the investor holds significant influence or the power to participate in determining financial and operating policies, but does not have control or joint control5. It is assumed that the investor has significant influence (unless there is proof to the contrary) if it holds, directly or indirectly through subsidiaries, at least 20% of the votes that can be cast at the investee company’s shareholders’ meeting.
A joint venture is a joint arrangement in which the parties that hold joint control have rights to the net assets subject to the arrangement and, therefore, have an interest in the jointly controlled corporate vehicle.
Equity investments in associates and joint ventures are measured using the equity method, as described under “Equity-accounted investments”.
Business combinations
Business combinations are recorded in accordance with IFRS 3 – “Business Combinations”, using the acquisition method. Based on this standard, the consideration transferred in a business combination is determined at the date on which control is assumed, and equals the fair value of the assets transferred, the liabilities incurred or assumed, and any equity instruments issued by the acquirer. Costs directly attributable to the transaction are posted to the income statement when they are incurred.
The shareholders’ equity of these investee companies is determined by attributing to each asset and liability its current value at the date of acquisition of control. If positive, any difference from the acquisition or transfer cost is posted to the asset item “Goodwill”; if negative, it is posted to the income statement.
Where total control is not acquired, the share of equity attributable to minority interests is determined based on the share of the current values attributed to assets and liabilities at the date of acquisition of control, net of any goodwill (the “partial goodwill method”). Alternatively, the full amount of the goodwill generated by the acquisition is recognised, therefore also taking into account the portion attributable to minority interests (the “full goodwill method”). In this case, minority interests are expressed at their total fair value, including the attributable share of goodwill. The choice of how to determine goodwill (partial goodwill method or full goodwill method) is made based on each individual business combination transaction.
If control is assumed in successive stages, the acquisition cost is determined by adding together the fair value of the equity investment previously held in the acquired company and the amount paid for the remaining portion. The difference between the fair value of the previously held equity investment (redetermined at the time of acquisition of control) and the relative book value is posted to the income statement. Upon acquisition of control, any components previously recorded under other components of comprehensive income are posted to the income statement or to another item of shareholders’ equity, if no provisions are made for reversal to the income statement.
When the values of the assets and liabilities of the acquired entity are determined provisionally in the financial year in which the business combination is concluded, the figures recorded are adjusted, with retroactive effect, no later than 12 months after the acquisition date, to take into account new information about facts and circumstances in existence at the acquisition date.
Business combinations involving entities under joint control
Business combinations whereby the investing companies are controlled by the same company or companies before and after the transaction, and where such control is not temporary, are classed as “business combinations of entities under common control”. Such transactions do not fall within the scope of application of IFRS 3, and are not governed by any other IFRS. In the absence of a reference accounting standard, the selection of an accounting standard for such transactions, for which a significant influence on future cash flows cannot be established, is guided by the principle of prudence, which dictates that the principle of continuity be applied to the values of the net assets acquired6. The assets are measured at the book values from the financial statements of the companies being acquired predating the transaction or, where available, at the values from the consolidated financial statements of the common ultimate parent. Where the transfer values are higher than such historical values, the surplus is eliminated by reducing the shareholders’ equity of the acquiring company.
Intragroup transactions that are eliminated in the consolidation process
Unrealised gains from transactions between consolidated companies are derecognised, as are receivables, payables, income, expenses, guarantees, commitments and risks between consolidated companies. The portion pertaining to the group of unrealised gains with companies valued using the equity method is derecognised. In both cases, intragroup losses are not derecognised because they effectively represent impairment of the asset transferred.
4 Pursuant to IAS 1 – “Presentation of the Financial Statements”, information is significant if its omission or incorrect presentation may influence the economic decisions of users based on the figures in the financial statements.
5 Joint control is the contractual sharing of control pursuant to an agreement, which exists only where the unanimous consent of all the parties that share power is required for decisions relating to significant activities.
6 Accounting treatment proposed by Assirevi in the Preliminary Guidelines on IFRS (OPI No. 1) – “Accounting treatment of business combinations of entities under common control in the separate and consolidated financial statements”.