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Living in a culture of change

Culture of change – old view (Image)
Culture of change – new view (Image)

Continuing to be a protagonist and leader in an increasingly international market context requires constantly being aware of how to enhance know-how, develop talent and build an even more dynamic and inclusive organisational culture capable of supporting company growth and renewal.

These human capital development dynamics are underpinned by the emotional bond that exists between Snam and its people. This is why the strong sense of belonging also highlighted by the results of the survey conducted in 2016, becomes the main factor at the basis of the active involvement of all employees in the continuous improvement processes, always guided by logics of entrepreneurial spirit, simplification and implementation capacity.

82% of employees took part in the 2016 Survey.

Areas of enquiry of the survey: The level of engagement, circumstances that promote the involvement of people, a positive climate at work and instances of improvement for company personnel.

The portrayal of Snam that emerges from the survey is that of an organisation capable of innovation and focused on change, where employees are proud, have a sense of belonging and have confidence in the top management.

Internal communication tools

“Easy” the intranet portal

Information and awareness raising areas aimed at all Snam personnel, but also, a place for sharing knowledge, exchanging work documents, and sharing opinions through a “collective” space, designed to assist people who work in teams.

Main paper-based tools

The magazine “Energie”, which represents Snam’s corporate identity, followed the developments and changes that the company was involved in over the course of the year. The newsletter “Osservatorio Domanda Gas”, which was established in 2016, with news, analysis and comments on gas demand, is available to all employees on mobile devices too.

Management meetings

Management meetings (executives and managers) were held during the year aimed at strengthening the team spirit. The meetings created schedule opportunities to reflect on the most significant moments in the activities of the business in order to ensure adequate information and achieve a constant sense of involvement with regard to company strategies.


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