It provides its customers with a safe and reliable service over time, developing infrastructure and flexibility in the gas system in line with the principles of competition, and guaranteeing them equal access to infrastructure and equal treatment. Snam aims to create value to fulfil the expectations of its stakeholders. It has pursued this commitment, thanks to the professional skills and people who work daily to create sustainable growth that respectsthe environment and is responsible towards the region and its communities.
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti becomes Snam’s biggest shareholder, taking over 30% of the capital minus one share from Eni |
Cooperation with Fluxys launched to promote the marketing of transportation capacity from Italy to northern Europe |
Debt refinancing programme successfully completed, obtaining a broad consensus on the soundness of the business model |
Reduction of 32% in the accident frequency index for employees and 51% for contractors |
The new dispatching centre was launched, with a completely new structure and technologies |
First climate analysis carried out by the Snam group |
5.4 million cubic meters of natural gas recovered, for avoided emissions of more than 84,000 tonnes of CO2-eq |
OHSAS 18001:2007 certification (international standard) achieved for the worker health and safety systems the entire Snam group |
6 projects achieved using the Shared Value approach with suppliers, communities and regions |
83.9% of employees engaged in training |
Snam Rete Gas becoming a shareholder of PRISMA to offer transportation capacity via a single, shared IT platform from 2013 |
Italgas has obtained its first ISO 50001:2011 (international standard) certification for its energy management system |
A public information centre for the Stogit storage plant in Fiume Trieste is created at Cupello |
The Snam share was again – and for the fourth consecutive year – included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index |
Snam website wins (IMA) 2012 in the Energy category |