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Regulations concerning the business segment

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Responses to consultations (Authority, Ministry of Economic Development and Energy Market Operator) through trade associations. On one occasion, the Company took part in a technical round table between associations and the Authority, which was launched during the year.


Also includes proposals still being evaluated by the Authority, including contractual documents and agreements with operators in the context of regulated services.

Responses to consultation documents




Responses to consultations/observations through associations (*)




Tariff proposals




Data collections








Proposals to amend/update contractual documents and codes (**)




Proposals to amend/update contractual documents and codes (approved)




Tariff regulations for 2015

By means of Resolution 51/2015/R/gas, published on 13 February 2015, the Authority approved the provisional base revenue for the storage service relating to 2015, aimed at providing a base figure for calculating the fees for the allocation of storage capacity. Subsequently, by means of Resolution 27/2016/R/gas, published on 29 January 2016, the Authority approved the definitive base revenue for 2015, which amounted to €455.3 million (€453 million for 2014). The RAB for storage activities, calculated using the total annual increases in assets relating to 2014, was €4.0 billion.

Tariff regulations for 2016

By means of Resolution 46/2016/R/gas, published on 12 February 2016, the Authority provisionally approved the corporate base revenue for the storage service for 2016, as per the tariff proposal presented by Stogit on 22 January 2016. The provisionally approved revenue is aimed at providing a base figure for calculating the fees for the allocation of storage capacity. By 31 May 2016, storage companies will submit their final base revenue proposals to the Authority, calculated using the total annual increases in assets relating to 2015. These proposals will be approved by the Authority within 60 days.

Ministerial Decree of 6 February 2015 – Determination and procedures for allocation of modulation storage capacity for the 2015-2016 contractual period (Official Gazette no 44 of 23 February 2015)

The Ministry of Economic Development used this decree to set the modulation storage capacity for the thermal year 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2016 at 6,843 million cubic metres, to be allocated as a priority to entities directly or indirectly supplying civilian customers. The decree provides for this capacity, together with additional available storage capacity of approximately 1,122 million cubic metres, to then be allocated by means of successive tenders held throughout the injection period, as a continuation of the procedure carried out in the 2014-2015 thermal year.

As of the 2015-2016 thermal year, the decree introduces a multi-year storage service with a minimum duration of two years, with a possible option to extend it for another two years. The decree reserves 500 million cubic metres of capacity, to be allocated by the leading storage company through a tender process, for this service, and provides for any capacity not allocated to be offered under tender processes for the modulation service characterised by a uniform withdrawal profile.

In implementation of Article 14 of Decree-Law 1/12, the decree also provides for a natural gas storage capacity of 500 million cubic metres to be reserved for the offering of integrated regasification services, including natural gas storage, aimed at allowing the direct procurement of LNG from abroad to industrial companies. Any capacity not allocated to industrial companies is offered under open auctions to all applicants for the modulation service characterised by a withdrawal profile that permits the maximum availability of services in January and February.

Lastly, the Ministerial Decree establishes the procedures for withdrawing natural gas from the storage system in order to ensure the secure functioning of the natural gas system.

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