Reading Guide

The contents of the Report on operations, which constitutes the Integrated Report of Snam (hereinafter also Report on Integrated Management), are presented following the indications of the Framework proposed by the IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council). The objective of the document is to represent, in addition to annual operating results, Snam’s model for the creation of value and the sustainability of the business over the medium and long term, thereby indicating and demonstrating the interconnections between strategy, governance, business and financial performance, and the social, environmental and economic environment in which the enterprise operates. The aspects covered by the Report represent the principal factors that have a potential impact on business and financial performance and material sustainability issues. The following schedules facilitate reconciliation of the various keys to reading and interpretation recommended by the IIRC Framework and the content of the Report. The management report also contains information referred to in the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement (NFS) which constitutes a specific section thereof, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 254/2016.

 NFS contents are integrated, where deemed necessary and appropriate, by the information reported in the Report on operations, which can be identified and consulted by following the specific references: Infographics and grey background / character, associated with the paragraph title (if entirely referring to aspects described in the NFS) or to the specific text content

References in the integrated report to value creation

Time frames and dynamics

Value-creation methods


Main operating activities

Report references

In the short-term, Snam creates value by pursuing its business in the manner established by the rules and procedures, with particular focus on risk management and operational efficiency. The main point of reference is the annual budget.

Maintaining the efficiency and availability of the network and providing a quality service without interruptions


Executing the scheduled works

Snam in 2018 - Summary data and information



Snam in 2018 - Summary data and information


Controls and inspections

Snam in 2018 - Summary data and information


Compliance with the network codes

Business segment operating performance

In the medium term, the ability to carry out investment programmes, thereby ensuring a flow of resources and that favourable economic conditions are maintained, is also important.
The main point of reference is the Business Plan, which covers a period of up to 5 years.

Preventing and mitigating risks and detrimental outside forces


Managing financial risks

Elements of risk and uncertainty


Managing operating risks

Elements of risk and uncertainty


Managing foreign partnership portfolios

Snam in 2018 - Summary data and information


Managing crises

Snam in 2018 - Summary data and information


Preventing accidents

Other operating impacts and results


Mitigating environmental impact

Other operating impacts and results


Reorganising processes and activities

Business model and sustainable development

Maintaining the flow of investments


Investment planning

Snam in 2018 - Summary data and information


Obtaining financial resources on the market

Snam in 2018 - Summary data and information



Business segment operating performance


Implementation of CNG, biomethane projects

Business model and sustainable development

In the long term, it is vital that the investment decisions and strategic choices made have interpreted trends in the best way possible.
The main point of reference is the infrastructure development plan submitted to the Authority, which covers a period of 10 years.

Maintain, develop and transform human and relational capital to develop the business


Relationships with Authorities

Business segment operating performance


Managing the supply chain in relation to the development of construction sites

Snam in 2018 - Summary data and information


Developing roles and capabilities

Other operating impacts and results


Managing relations with local communities

Other operating impacts and results


Partnerships related to new business

Business model and sustainable development

Develop strategic directions and business development plans consistent with the reference scenarios


Planning infrastructure development

Snam in 2018 - Summary data and information


The 2019-2022 Business Plan

Business model and sustainable development


Creating sustainable value: the Snam business model

Business model and sustainable development

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