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People and change

People and change (Image)

Change as a driver of growth, encouraging active participation by everyone who operates in the Group.

A Code of Ethics that sets out the principles underlying the business and a well-structured system of corporate regulations that clearly presents the roles and responsibilities involved.

Management systems and guidance of performance to develop leadership and skills by promoting human values and diversity in the European strategic scenario.

Snam management action is based on assigning precise objectives to each position of responsibility and on transparent assessment of the results achieved. This firstly makes it possible to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of organisational processes.

This foundation of excellence also drives the development of people and their managerial and professional skills.

On this basis, in 2013, the Group’s internal management systems were overhauled to combine efficiency with the outlook promised by the Group’s strategic guidelines, which also take account of the requests that came to light during the internal climate analysis “Together – So Many Voices, the Snam Group”

“Our” people have a strong sense of belonging and connection to the Snam Group, but they have nevertheless asked to be even more informed, to be involved in the improvement processes, to take responsibility for the results and to be assessed on what they contribute in real terms.

These requests were also included in the Industrial Relations Protocol, which Snam has signed with the trade union organisations for the first time in its history.

The “Together – So Many Voices, the Snam Group” climate analysis GRI - G4: 27

Some 77% of the corporate population took part in this survey. More than half of the respondents were aged between 45 and 55, with 19% over 55, 17% between 35 and 45 and 9% under 35.


The survey showed that the Group’s employees have a positive perception of their environment. The average Group commitment indicator, i.e. the level of diligence and involvement that people put into their daily work, is 77%, and a very high percentage (86%) of the respondents said that they had a feeling of belonging in the Group.

Snam’s employees said that more investment was needed in internal communication: they want to know more not only about the objectives of their own units/departments, but also about the Group’s aims on a more general level, seeing this as a way to promote involvement and interest.


After a review of the survey results, an improvement plan was created with the aim of filling in the gaps that had emerged from the analysis. For the macro-areas of the business, the key principles for action will be: empowerment, development, performance management, communication and innovation.

In view of the improvement that employees wanted, the first step was to communicate and distribute the results of the climate analysis at every level, asking for a comparison to be made within the various organisational areas of their own results with those of the Group overall, and more generally with national best practice, to identify the initiatives to be taken locally.

Information and sharing events were organised for all executives and managers, and 26 workshops took place with the involvement of 400 people nationwide. The survey results were presented, and participants were also invited to discuss and share their ideas about the most important areas of intervention and to suggest possible improvement initiatives.

The survey results and the improvement plan were shared with the trade union organisations. They were also highlighted on the Company intranet, and formed the subject of a special feature in the “Energie” Newsletter sent out to the homes of all Group employees.

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