Developing and valuing our employees
Developing and strengthening the system of occupational skills and management ability, in harmony with the changing corporate scenario, is key to maximising the potential of Snam’s employees.
Over time, Snam has developed its own repertoire of abilities and skills and a set of indicators for assessing potential. These components, incorporated within the performance appraisal process, help to support staff as they undergo a continuous development process that starts in the selection phase. Training, besides playing the traditional role of developing abilities and skills, has been extended as a tool in support of paths to organisational integration and management change, to make all staff more involved in, aware of and responsible for corporate strategies and targets.
Snam’s training approach aims to build the skills required by the Group’s business mission and strategies, to provide even more opportunities for staff to get involved, and to enhance organisational integration processes and change management.
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Staff training (no) GRI - G4: LA9 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
Total training hours delivered |
187,134 |
160,771 |
198,357 |
Training hours delivered to executives |
2,369 |
2,366 |
6,133 |
Training hours delivered to managers |
13,840 |
15,841 |
23,699 |
Training hours delivered to office workers |
102,103 |
65,209 |
117,942 |
Training hours delivered to manual workers |
68,822 |
77,355 |
50,584 |
Training course attendance |
16,437 |
15,639 |
23,811 |
To follow up on the commitments made in prior years, the training Key Performance Indicators (KPI) have been confirmed for the 2013-2014 two-year period, pre-setting a quantitative target to be reached both in the provision of average hours per employee and in staff involvement.
The two pre-set targets were not only met during the year, but exceeded.
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Key performance indicators (KPI) |
KPI description |
KPI Date |
Pre-set target |
Target achieved in 2013 |
Sector |
Status of activities |
Average hours per employee (no) |
2013 |
Achieve 25 hours for the 2013/14 two-year period |
32.8 |
Snam Group |
Involvement of corporate population (%) |
2013 |
Achieve 83% for the 2013/14 two-year period |
96.8 |
Snam Group |
In 2013, Prospettiva 360°, a project aimed at managers under 40 involving approximately 65 Group employees, was completed successfully. The project gave participants the chance to compare their perceptions of their own strong points with how others see them, and to look at areas for improvement (with the development of a personal action plan). At the end of the project, the results were analysed and a pathway was created to strengthen both personal leadership skills and the ability to use management tools and techniques.
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Main training initiatives GRI - G4: LA10-HR2-SO4 |
Hours provided (no) |
Participants (no) |
Recipients |
Special training was delivered after the SAP upgrade, which affected all the corporate departments. |
5,790 |
699 |
Worker population per staff unit and operating unit |
The principles and content of the new model adopted by the Board of Directors pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 and the changes introduced by the “Anti-corruption Law” were explained through an e-learning initiative. |
11,391 |
3,797 |
Executives, managers and office workers |
Management training |
11,334 |
1,136 |
Executives and managers |
Training dedicated to maintenance of and know-how on technical systems |
121,588 |
17,117 |
Technical operating and office worker population |
Foreign languages |
27,550 |
779 |
Executives, managers, office workers and technical specialists |
A training pathway shared with the Terna managers: an opportunity to develop by comparing different corporate cultures. The Forma(re)ti project is a management training programme specifically for executives and managers who operate through countrywide networks as part of regulated business activities. The project focuses on subject areas such as Programme Management, Economics, Bid & Procurement Management, Supply Chain and Change Management. As well as this content, the project is structured with a unique formula and an intercompany approach in which both Snam and Terna became involved, hosting the teaching days in their offices.
Snam innovates with university partnerships
In keeping with the new organisation of the Snam Group and the need for innovation and change expressed by the individual corporate departments, specific agreements were signed with prestigious universities, with MIP -Politecnico di Milano and the SDA Bocconi School of Management being just two examples. There are a number of objectives associated with the collaboration between the Company and universities, the most important being the acquisition of best practice that could arise from relationships with academic institutions, the development of ad hoc pathways in response to specific corporate needs and the creation of personalised services in recruitment, training, and database and research analysis.
Energienglish Project
In 2013 the Energienglish Project was launched, offering all of Snam’s employees the chance to take part in an online English course provided by EF Corporate Language Learning Solutions. All Snam staff were able to follow lessons in their own self-study programmes: these are online modular courses with 16 levels, with tools such as grammar and translation guides and exercises/games. It received an enthusiastic response from the corporate community, with 1,900 people signing up to the one-year course. In addition to the programme described, another two courses have been provided for staff requiring advanced language skills. For these, group discussions with native-speaker teachers, six-month courses with one-to-one lessons and study trips abroad have also been provided.
Snam’s know-how serves urban regeneration
With the network training project, 60 ICT staff planned urban decoration initiatives in six public areas of the Municipality of Crema. This training course, for analysts and project managers in the ICT department, aimed to strengthen certain management skills (integration, innovation and customer orientation). The project, innovative in both training methods and content, took place outside the Company, had an unconventional structure and benefited the population of the Municipality of Crema. Snam’s staff planned regeneration projects for five public parks and a school playground, in collaboration with the municipal engineering department and the people of the city, so that they could identify their needs and share the proposed solutions with them. In 2014, Stogit will make a financial contribution to the works, thus completing the course while benefiting the local community.
Incentive and remuneration systems GRI - G4: LA11
The remuneration system has been adjusted periodically using criteria based on meritocracy and internal fairness. This system specifically aims to ensure recognition of the results achieved by an employee, the quality of professional support provided and the employee’s development potential. Also in 2013, a year of particular importance partly because of the change in shareholding control of the Company in late 2012, the auditing and optimising of the competitiveness and fairness of compensation practices for managerial and professional personnel were completed.
A Management Review is drawn up for managers each year, so that their performance can be regularly monitored. The system for assigning targets and the results appraisal is currently being adjusted.
In 2013, the appraisal process involved all executives, focusing on their commitment to developing business activities with particular attention to sustainability. This is demonstrated by assigning at least one individual target linked to sustainability to positions of responsibility within the local operating area both for executives and managers.
The sustainability targets have been predominantly assigned within the scope of the prevention of workplace accidents.
The assigned and achieved targets shown in the table refer to personnel (executives and managers with responsibilities) in service at the time that these were allocated.
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Targets assigned to sustainability issues |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
Assigned (no) |
Achieved (%) |
Assigned (no) |
Achieved (%) |
Assigned (no) |
Achieved (%) |
Executives |
116 |
100 |
116 |
100 |
117(*) |
100 |
Managers |
118 |
100 |
125 |
100 |
155 |
100 |
Office workers |
5 |
100 |
5 |
100 |
15 |
100 |
The table shows greater involvement by managers (+5% compared with 2012), through the assignment of personal targets, to help to achieve the corporate sustainability goals. There was also a greater level of involvement in the office worker category.
Alongside the policy of meritocracy, related to roles and responsibilities, a variable incentive system for executives and managers has been built up over the last few years in connection with performance appraisal through the allocation of specific individual charts.
An incentive system is also used for recent graduates during their first years of employment, designed to boost motivation and retain the best resources, with even more marked differentiation in terms of performance, professional ability and management potential.
We also continued our commitment to improve the system of benefits.
As in previous years, as part of our internal communication initiatives, we extended our Total Reward Statement (an itemised breakdown of an individual’s overall pay packet) to all managers.
All job positions at Snam, Snam Rete Gas, GNL Italia and Stogit are subject to comprehensive analytical appraisal, based on the following factors: complexity, responsibility, experience and autonomy (CREA). In 2013, 746 CREA appraisals were approved (+15% compared with 2012). All evaluation processes are formalised and involve feedback sessions that are an important opportunity for discussion and communication between manager and employee with a view to gathering information that can be used to draw up new actions for developing and maximising the potential of our people.
Lastly, a collective incentive programme is used for all Group companies: the “Profit-sharing scheme”, established by the respective CCNLs, is based on Company profitability (ROACE) and productivity, as measured in relation to annual targets agreed between the Company and union representatives.
Performance management
A new performance management process was developed on the basis of the climate analysis results, to respond to the request made by Snam’s staff, who said that they wanted to “feel like active participants in the Company’s performance, with the opportunity to demonstrate their value”. The new performance system has four main goals: guiding personal performance towards corporate objectives; structuring connections between performance and a system of rewards; boosting the culture of responsibility and feedback; and fostering the development and strategic management of resources.
The performance management system, which is focused on specific challenging and sustainable behavioural objectives, makes it possible to achieve progressively higher goals, in line with strategic corporate plans.
The new system will be actively implemented in 2014, with the involvement of approximately 300 managers as “appraisers” and 650 employees as “appraisees”. One of the biggest changes brought in by the new appraisal system is the “multi-view” principle, according to which employees not operating in the same corporate department can express their own assessment of the quality of service provided: the pilot project will therefore involve the functions of staff who can be regarded as “service providers” due to the nature of their roles.