Sustainability forms an integral part of Snam’s business model. Snam’s sustainability management model extends to all Group companies and is integrated into all phases of the corporate business process (planning, management, control, reporting, communication and stakeholder engagement). It also sets out targets for improvement; identifies, through the relevant corporate departments, the initiatives and projects to be implemented; monitors the results of these; and reports clearly and effectively, on the basis of the Sustainability Policy, the Company’s strategic plan and the needs of stakeholders.
The sustainability targets, which have been approved by top management, apply to a range of areas for improvement and are pursued through specific projects and initiatives, in both the short and medium term, which are included in the operating plans of the Company’s departments. All the activities set out in the model are coordinated by Snam’s Sustainability department. The areas for improvement are also defined on the basis of stimuli and guidelines arising from Snam’s participation in bodies, including international bodies, working to disseminate knowledge and the application of the principles of sustainable development, such as the Global Compact.
Area of relevance
Actions carried out in 2013
Actions to be implemented under the 2014-2017 Plan
Business ethics and governance
The Corporate System Framework was adopted: this document represents the highest point of the pyramid of Snam’s regulatory system. Snam’s Model 231 was updated and approved by the BoD. The new anti-corruption procedure was issued. Training activities continued (11,390 hours delivered, with approximately 3,800 attendees). Participation in activities promoted under the Global Compact continued.
Maintain a level of governance that is still in line with the optimum international examples. Disseminate the principles and content of the Code of Ethics, Model 231 and anti-corruption and anti-trust policy, via training courses and specific initiatives. Implement actions to maintain constant adherence to the provisions of the Corporate Governance Code. Revise the body of regulations to include, in all key processes, rules on anti-corruption and the defence of human rights. Verify, through business intelligence surveys, respect for human rights and compliance with anti-corruption regulations by third parties (suppliers and customers). Participate actively in the working groups promoted by the Global Compact.
Sustainability model
Development of the “Shared Value” approach continued. A materiality analysis was carried out on key aspects in the area of sustainability.
Keep active, implement and update the corporate sustainable development model, and ensure adequate supervision of matters relating to sustainability.
Risk and crisis management
The Enterprise Risk Management department was created. Risk mapping was carried out. The activities of the business continuity management system continued.
Implement both the Enterprise Risk Management organisational structure and integrated risk management. Business continuity management and the crisis management model: fulfil conditions for the implementation of processes and the adoption of the relative technological solutions; assessment of the compliance of programmes with international standards and regulations.

People and change
Area of relevance
Actions carried out in 2013
Actions to be implemented under the 2014-2017 Plan
Listening to people
The results of the internal climate survey (Snam Group) were examined, and improvement programmes were launched.
Continue activation of the improvement plan by consulting the corporate population.
Internal Communication
Newsletters, brochures and other communication tools – circulation and informative content – were increased. The Company intranet was implemented and interactivity increased. Sapernedi+ 2013, the traditional communication initiative that aims to disseminate Company values and strategies, continued.
Reinforce cascading communication of corporate objectives, and enhance information channels with the support of the intranet. Send a personalised communication to each executive every year setting out their compensation package (monetary elements, benefits and corporate services). Enhance the “Energie” newsletter with special features on individual themes.
Initiatives for employees
Programmes to ensure the continuity of the corporate welfare programme were continued and expanded. A questionnaire was created and distributed to assess the awareness, use and appreciation of these services, and gather suggestions. The dedicated section of the Company intranet was expanded and enhanced to ensure the provision of as much information and communication as possible on the welfare initiatives to the people who work at Snam.
Corporate welfare: launch of a project for the analysis of the current situation every two years, listen to people and define actions. Implement welfare initiatives.
Health and safety
Awareness and involvement initiatives under the “Objective: Safety” plan continued. Training activities continued (approximately 34,640 hours delivered, with more than 4,250 attendees). Transportation suppliers were involved in the topic of safety through the workshop “Make comparisons to prevent and improve”. The Snam portal for all Group suppliers, to share best practice in health and safety, was created and put online. The accident frequency indices for employees and contractors were entered into the system of performance indicators.
Define training initiatives and implement specific communication plans. Draw up environment survey plans in the workplace. Improvement in both site access conditions and operational procedures. Safety objective: to continue the action undertaken, involving more corporate activities. Create IT applications to support HSE processes. Develop safety awareness initiatives for suppliers. Maintain the accident frequency indices for employees and contractors in the system of corporate and personal performance indicators.
Valuing people
Approximately 198,350 hours of training delivered in total, with 23,800 attendances. All Snam staff were offered the opportunity to join an online English course. Competitive positioning and fairness in remuneration practices for managerial and professional human resources were optimised and verified. 746 jobs were assessed and approved on the basis of complexity, responsibility, experience and autonomy (CREA). Individual business and sustainability objectives were assigned to executives and managers. A new performance management process was drawn up.
Continue with activities designed increase the range of skills of employees, including using criteria of functional and geographical mobility, always favouring a high level of staff involvement. Implement the system to identify and generate value from managers with know-how that is strategically important for the Group, and implement the process to ensure coverage of key management positions. Continue to develop skills for the under-40s, and study the conditions needed to effectively manage and generate value from the contributions of staff of increasing average age. Adopt the new system for identifying and assessing staff skills and potential, and review the performance management process. Develop ways to promote diversity, particularly gender diversity. Implement projects that foster greater efficiency and effectiveness of communication outside the Company and with the regions, to create integration and develop shared tools and approaches.
Stakeholder engagement
Area of relevance
Actions carried out in 2013
Actions to be implemented under the 2014-2017 Plan
Relations with rating agencies and bondholders
Took part in the surveys of the main financial and sustainability rating agencies. Launched a communication process for bondholders and market analysts.
Consolidate relations with the rating agencies and implement disclosure to institutional investors.
Shareholder relations
Communication activities were pursued to allow shareholders and the financial market to assess the Company’s value creation levers.
Consolidate disclosure to institutional and retail investors. Develop guidelines on the engagement of the financial community.
Customer relations
Activities for implementation of the web portals continued. Storage and transportation customer satisfaction surveys carried out.
Develop and apply methods of recording customer satisfaction. Increase the quality of customer service. Feasibility assessment for biomethane transportation in the distribution network in light of changes in the regulatory framework.
Relations with communities and regions
The volume Sentieri sostenibili. Parco delle Prealpi Giulie was published. A social impact assessment was carried out on the Bordolano storage plant. Unions and farmers’ associations held meetings to present transportation projects.
Carry out educational activities for primary and secondary schools on themes of general interest, such as biodiversity. Apply models and/or instruments to measure the acceptability of infrastructure in the region. Identify and develop initiatives of shared value. Strengthen communication with the national and local media and implement the use of social media. Adopt corporate guidelines that define procedures for systematic involvement of local communities in new initiatives, for use by local and peripheral departments.
Relations with institutions and associations
Participation in public events relating to specific projects increased. Cooperation agreements with local administrators were forged, with the aim of arranging public areas for social purposes. Snam/Confindustria autonomy agreement signed. Increase in the number of associations to which Snam belongs. The main new memberships were with regional industry associations.
Define guidelines for relations with public administrations in line with changes in the ownership structure. Design and plan innovative tools for meeting and comparison with public administrations and institutional decision-makers, including through the involvement of local industry associations.
Public communications
The review of Snam’s web identity was completed, with a restyling of the websites. New communication channels were launched on Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, Flickr and Instagram, to help to spread and increase awareness of the Group among its stakeholders.
Boost the brand’s profile in light of corporate changes, developing initiatives and communication tools as the business develops.
Area of relevance
Actions carried out in 2013
Actions to be implemented under the 2014-2017 Plan
Protection of the region and biodiversity
Environmental restoration, plant care and environment monitoring continued
Integrate existing documentation on planning and construction of plants with operating instructions on biodiversity.
Climate change and energy efficiency
Gas recompression took place for natural gas recovery. Replacement of pneumatic gas valves at some plants. Replacement of cast-iron pipes continued. Photovoltaic plants were installed on self-owned buildings. Supply of electricity from renewable sources increased for the two-year period 2013/2014.
Reduce natural gas emissions. Optimise energy consumption and increase the use of energy from renewable sources, including through purchasing quotas. Consolidate the methods for calculating indirect CO2 generated by corporate activities (Scope 3). Enhance the videoconferencing system.
Atmospheric emissions
Programmes for installation of DLE turbines continued.
Install low-emission turbines and equipment.