Stakeholder relations
Positive and consistent relations over time with stakeholders is a fundamental part of Snam’s management model. Relations with stakeholders are carried out with the aim of increasing mutual trust and establishing an ongoing, honest and transparent dialogue. All corporate structures contribute to the various activities involving stakeholders, each within their own prerogatives, roles and responsibilities with centralised coordination.
Snam’s approach to stakeholder engagement, explained in the Stakeholder engagement policy, is aimed at:
- identifying the various categories of stakeholders, through mapping, with whom the Company deals, following the evolution of the context and development of company activities;
- analysing and understanding the profile of stakeholders and the position of the Company with regard to them;
- taking an in-depth look at the interests and issues that are important for each category of stakeholder, through the periodic updating of the materiality analysis;
- regularly communicating management results to stakeholders in relation to the material issues of mutual interest through the Sustainability Report and all the other reporting and communication tools.
The updating of stakeholder mapping, which took place in 2019, provides for the recognition by all corporate functions of those with whom there are regular relations. The processing of the results led to the identification of the following categories: Communities and local areas, Investors and lenders, Other operators, Media, Suppliers, Customers, People, Business partners, Authorities and Institutions.
Stakeholder Engagement
In 2019 Snam engaged its stakeholders mainly on issues relating to energy transition, from biomethane to energy efficiency, to the position of the company on the hydrogen front, organising information events and taking part in themed events. The main activities carried out include:
- the organisation, in October 2019, of “The Hydrogen Challenge - 2019 Global ESG Conference”, dedicated to the potential of hydrogen as a clean energy source;
- the launch of the “Snam Plastic Less” programme, an initiative aimed at reducing the use of plastic in industrial packaging by 100% by 2023, eliminating single-use plastic in drink vending machines on all company premises by 2020;
- the organisation, together with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) and Terna, of the first edition of the “Stati Generali della Transizione Energetica Italiana” (General States of Italian Energy Transition), one of the two days of meetings dedicated to the future of the Italian energy system.
In addition to these major events, Snam organised other meetings and dialogues with stakeholders, especially related to the new businesses and market performance, and intensified its oversight activities and dialogue in areas affected by major works projects. An event worthy of mention is the first Snam publicity campaign dedicated to the “Casa Mia” programme of the subsidiary TEP Energy Solution: “The future is already out there”. The campaign, scheduled for the web portals of the major daily newspapers, the Rome and Milan underground TV circuit, on dynamic billboards and on some tram lines, interprets the key messages of energy efficiency and reclassification. For more information, please refer to the paragraph “Stakeholder and relationship capital” in “Other operating information and results” of the Integrated Management Report.