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Innovation and climate change

The fight against climate change is a material issue for Snam. Technological innovation, research and good practices are the tools for achieving environmental sustainability.

In addition to using natural gas as the main fuel, Snam is introducing energy management programmes and reducing the carbon footprint.

Targets for 2021:

  • to reduce natural gas emissions by 10%, like for like, compared with 2016 figures;
  • to improve the energy efficiency of the gas preheating systems by 10% in 58 pressure reduction stations;
  • to increase the energy efficiency of the lighting systems of 16 compression stations by 40%.

Snam intends to develop ambitious projects to strengthen its operational excellence and thereby contribute to containing climate altering emissions. The Company has set itself the target, by 2021, of reducing its natural gas emissions by 10% compared with 2016 figures and of increasing energy efficiency in various plants.

To achieve these goals there is an investment plan that allows to maintain and develop programmes which involve, among other things: recompression of the gas in the transportation network and at the compression stations; replacing natural gas operated pneumatic actuators in the transportation and storage infrastructures and system innovations.

The Company has also made investments in new technologies aimed at enhancing operating performance, such as, for example, experimental research into real time leak detection which, in addition to making the transportation system more efficient, can also help with controlling and reducing natural gas emissions.


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