Emissions trading system (ETS)

The carbon dioxide emissions of the Snam Group facilities subject to the ETS were overall greater than the emission shares allocated. The annual allocation of free allowances by the competent national authority gradually reduced over the years as set out from the third regulatory period in Article 10 bis of Directive 2009/29/EC. In view of around 0.609 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, around 0.202 million tonnes were allocated free of charge, resulting in a 0.407 million tonne deficit. The allowances allocated also include those intended for the new gas compression plants of Minerbio and Sergnano in 2018 and 2019.

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Snam Emissions Trading Systems


Number of plants

Name of plants



Gas compression stations in Enna, Gallese, Istrana, Malborghetto, Masera, Melizzano, Messina, Montesano, Poggio Renatico, Tarsia, Terranuova Bracciolini, Minerbio, Sergnano



Storage gas compression stations in Cortemaggiore, Fiume Treste, Minerbio, Ripalta, Sabbioncello, Sergnano, Settala and Bordolano



Panigaglia LNG regasification facility

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