Other indirect CO2eq energy emissions (Scope 3)
Indirect CO2eq emissions stood at approximately 538 thousand tonnes, a 22.8% increase compared to 2018 following an increase in procurement and the different nature of the supplied materials and goods. This category of emissions stems around 99% from the supply chain and the remaining share is due to employees’ business travels.
Further initiatives are ongoing and aimed at promoting a culture of energy saving and minimising indirect emissions associated with Snam’s activities: the adoption of green procurement criteria for goods and services, sustainable mobility initiatives and the implementation of initiatives for energy savings directed at employees (company shuttle services, public transport subsidies, smart working and the use of video-conferencing for meetings) and the launch of the supply chain CDP programme are just some of the initiatives in progress that contribute to the reduction of this type of emissions.
Indirect emissions Scope 3 (kt CO2eq)