Nitrogen oxide emissions
The use of natural gas as the main energy source allows sulphur oxides and particle emissions to be minimised.
Nitrogen oxide (NOx)7 emissions, the only significant pollutant emissions, mainly derive from the combustion of natural gas in turbines installed in compression systems (thrust and storage).
Total emissions of nitrogen oxides in 2017 amounted to 532 tonnes (+22.5% compared to 2016), while the indicator that parametrises emissions over energy used increased by 6.7%. The increase in NOx emissions can be attributed mainly to the increase in the gas transportation activity.
To contain emissions, a programme that calls for modifying certain turbines already in operation and the installation of new units with low emission combustion systems (Dry Low Emissions) has been in progress for years. In 2017, 3 DLE turbines were commissioned in storage terminals (TC2 Sabbioncello and TC1 and TC2 of Bordolano).
Total NOx emissions (t)
NOx emissions/energy used (kg/GJ)
7 Emissions of NOx into the atmosphere were calculated based on direct measurements or, if not available, by means of emission factors present in the literature (EMEP/EEA “Air pollutant emission inventory guidebook” European Environment Agency).