2014 Highlights
TAG acquired and memorandum signed with Fluxys to enhance Snam’s international growth in Europe
Underpinning our development strategy with €1.31 billion in technical investments
Over 1,570 supply contracts entered into for a total of €1.17 billion
Forty-five agreements entered into with customers to create connections for new gas delivery/redelivery points on the transportation network
Snam is included on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the sixth consecutive year
Snam awarded Financial Statement Oscar for “Listed Companies and Large Businesses” category
185 new employees hired from the market (40% with university degrees and 60% holding secondary school diplomas)
93% of company workers involved in training activities: average of 29 hours of training provided per employee
Further reduction in employee and Contractors accident frequency indices
Shared value: Company garden started at km zero at the Terranuova Bracciolini plant
The first edition of the educational project “Stories that Tell the Future” for schools
Snam recognised as best Italian company in terms of transparency and governance in the director appointment process
Around 104,000 tonnes of CO2eq was avoided due to energy management measures
Four new DLE turbines placed in operation and nitrous oxide emissions reduced by 41%
Biodiversity. Over 1,050 km of environmental monitoring completed on the network and 124 km of plant care was carried out