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Sustainability indices GRI - G4: 15

Snam’s commitment, and the progress it has made in applying its sustainability management model, have been recognised by the inclusion of its stock on the benchmark international sustainability indices. This performance has increased the Company’s visibility in respect of socially responsible investors and, more generally, in the financial market as a whole.


In 2014, the Snam share was again – and for the sixth consecutive year – included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, which is the main share index based on corporate performance in maintaining commitments made in the field of economic, social and environmental sustainability. Based on the high rating achieved in the Gas Utilities segment, Snam was also included in the Silver Class; this is a premier grouping within the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index that identifies companies that set themselves apart in terms of their sustainability activities and commitment.

In the September 2014 review, Snam was independently evaluated and satisfied the criteria of the new FTSE methodology in the Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) area, and has been included in the FTSE4Good indices since 2002.

Since September 2014, Snam stock has been included in the two indices MSCI World and MSCI ACWI ESG that include companies with a high sustainability rating in their peer sectors. MSCI is a leading international company in providing IT support tools for the investment decisions of global investors including asset managers, banks, hedge funds and pension funds.

In November 2014, Snam was confirmed, for the second consecutive year, on the CDP Italy 100 Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI), which is directly issued by the CDP, one of the biggest non-profit organisations in the world working on climate change, with which Snam has been collaborating since 2007. Moreover, in 2014 (as in 2013) Snam was one of the companies providing voluntary financial support for the CDP’s activities.

In 2014, Snam confirmed its place in a new range of indices, the Vigeo World 120 and the Vigeo Europe 120, by Vigeo (one of Europe’s leading environmental and social rating agencies). These indices include companies with the best performance according to the 330 indicators used for the selection.

Snam is also included in the United Nations Global Compact 100 global index (“GC 100”), which was developed by the United Nations Global Compact in collaboration with research firm Sustainalytics, and which lists 100 companies that stand out on a global level both for their attention to ESG and for their financial performance, and which adhere to the ten fundamental principles of the United Nations in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

At the end of December 2014 Snam stock was also included in six of the leading ECPI sustainability indices, in the Stoxx Global ESG Leaders indices and in the Ethibel Pioneer and Excellence indices.

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