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Strategy and approach GRI - G4: 1

At Snam, sustainability and the creation of value are closely connected concepts.

The sustainability process is structured and integrated in the company’s business model, and operates in the context of continuous improvement with the aim of achieving lasting results in terms of enhanced reputation, growth in relationship capital, easier terms for accessing financial capital and all other forms of capital needed by the company, and more generally, increasing the positive impact that can be generated by all business processes.

Thus, sustainability creates value for the company and stakeholders when it contributes to maintaining and improving the opinion and respect of the Company expressed by the local area, institutions and employees, and when it is able to facilitate the building of infrastructure, increase the gas system’s productivity for the benefit of society and decrease environmental and operational risks connected with business activities.

In keeping with this vision, one of Snam’s specific sustainability capabilities is to promote an ongoing constructive dialogue with all stakeholders in an attempt to create fertile ground for project development opportunities and social innovation initiatives with added value in keeping with the company’s business. To do this, Snam has begun to integrate the Shared Value approach into its sustainability strategy, which creates a stronger link between business and corporate social responsibility by aligning the company’s vision concerning value created for itself and its stakeholders.

Thus, for Snam, creating Shared Value means knowing how to play its traditional innovative role in the country’s development by reassessing resources developed over time in terms of infrastructure, technologies, skills and human capital.

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