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Sustainability plan






Actions in 2014

Actions to be implemented under the 2015-2018 Plan

Creating sustainable value

New strategic plan for the four-year period 2014-2017 presented in March to financial community.

Total of €2,261 million distributed to stakeholders.

Technical investments of €1.3 billion made.

Implement the 2014-2017 Strategic

Corporate governance management

Governance system adapted to best practices on the matter.

Training completed in this area for all employees with personal computers.

Project to extend ISO 9001 Certification to the entire company launched at SRG.

Maintain a level of governance that is in line with the best international examples.

Provide training on Code of Ethics and Model 231.

Implement the quality management system throughout SRG and obtain ISO 9001 Certification.

Risk and crisis management

Four assessment cycles launched that differ according to the severity of risks.

Activities performed to improve the model.

Trained personnel responsible for critical activities for the purposes of business continuity.

Implemented the Business Continuity iterative process analysis logics.

Launched an analysis activity (gap analysis) to verify compliance with ISO 22301 standard requirements.

Implement the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)model and computer system supporting the ERM process.

Implement technological solutions to support the Business Continuity Management process.

Assess compliance of the management system with the international benchmark standard (ISO 22301).

Transparency Management

The Corporate System Framework was implemented.

The company participated in and won the “Oscar di Bilancio 2013”, especially with regard to non-financial reporting.

The process of determining material issues was updated.

The activity to update stakeholder mapping was updated.

A study for integrated reporting according to the IIRC framework was launched.

Adapt regulatory system to new model required by Corporate System Framework.

Implement the company’s sustainable development model ensuring proper oversight of sustainability issues.

Develop feasibility analyses and studies to create reporting tools that integrate financial and CSR information.

Consolidate courses dedicated to all Group staff concerning Antitrust and Privacy.


Monitoring of the Group’s anti-corruption compliance program performed.

Company participated in the assessment and obtained the highest score on transparency in the management and communication of anti-corruption programmes and activities from Transparency International Italy.

Verify compliance of outside parties (suppliers and customers) with regulations using business intelligence surveys.

Provide training courses to newly hired individuals and specific courses for staff not yet involved in this area.

Human rights

Participation in activities promoted by the Global Compact continued.

Verify, through business intelligence surveys, respect for human rights and compliance with anti-corruption regulations by third parties (suppliers and customers).

Participate actively in the working groups promoted by the Global Compact.

Reputation and brand

New institutional advertising campaign defined and launched for the press and Internet in collaboration with National Geographic.

Target audience broadened by implementing the issue of sustainability in integrated communications actions such as events and sponsorships.

Entire sections of the website redesigned and social channels enhanced.

New social accounts opened (Slideshare and Flickr).

Events created that are dedicated to the Internet with digital PR activities aimed at bloggers and Internet influencers.

Ranked third as Italian company in CSR online communications.

Enhance brand notoriety and Snam’s position inside and outside the company by launching communications initiatives and tools in keeping with the growth of the business.






Actions in 2014

Actions to be implemented under the 2015-2018 Plan

Developing and promotion of human capital

A new model of professional and managerial skills and new performance evaluation system were developed and implemented.

A new system for the assignment and evaluation of business and sustainability goals was implemented.

A management development course was launched involving about 200 people, as was a professional training course for young engineers.

174,916 hours of training delivered in total, with 17,000 attendances.

Opportunity continued for all people to take an online English course and dedicated language courses launched.

Adopt the new system to identify and assess individual skills and potential.

Increase individual skills and expertise.

Initiate the new Performance Management and result analysis process.

Implement the Succession Planning process to ensure coverage of key managerial positions.

Employment and safeguarding jobs

185 people hired from the market.

Agreement signed on mobility for all Group companies, and a Verification and Control Committee established on the Group’s mobility.

Apply the provisions of the Protocol on the Snam Group’s Industrial Relations signed in 2013.

Diversity and equal opportunities

Female staff increased.

Programmes created for sharing skills in managing people in order to promote diverse cultures.

Develop ways to promote diversity, particularly gender diversity.

Health and safety

Awareness and involvement initiatives under the “Objective: Safety” plan continued.

Training activities continued in this area (approximately 53,433 hours delivered, with more than 5,886 attendees).

Employee and contractor accident rates reduced.

Development of centralised HSE information system continued.

Define specific training courses and initiatives to create awareness for suppliers and implement communication plans on safety.

Continue measures taken by the “Objective: Safety” project with the involvement of more company operations.

Create IT applications to support HSE processes.

Work/life balance

Study concluded on welfare services that will lead to the establishment of the new programme.

Programmes continued to ensure continuity of the welfare system.

Implement welfare initiatives.

Introduce new welfare solutions and expand, revitalise and review existing measures in areas of the family, health and wellbeing, savings and free time.

Supply chain management

Various sections of the Supplier Portal implemented.

Requests implemented to certify candidates for critical A and B jobs.

Annual workshop completed on sustainability issues.

Expand the supplier portal.

Introduce the requirement for candidates for critical A and B jobs to hold OHSAS 18001 certification.

Increase information on the social and environmental responsibility of suppliers.

Activate and promote involvement actions, with a partnership approach, to improve corporate and environmental services.

Quality and development of services

Customer satisfaction surveys completed on transportation and storage.

Information systems implemented to support customers.

Increase the quality of customer service.

Conduct a feasibility analysis for biomethane transportation in the distribution network in light of changes in the regulatory framework.

Stakeholders engagement




Took part in the surveys of the main financial and sustainability rating agencies.

Continued disclosures to bondholders and market analysts.

Implemented the “Investor Relations” section of the website.

Maintain excellent relationships with rating agencies and the Italian and international banking systems and provide high-quality information to investors Develop guidelines on the engagement of the financial community.




Feasibility study launched to create a single portal.

Activities for implementation of the web portals continued.

Specific workshops carried out.

Apply methods of recording customer satisfaction.

Initiate the feasibility study for a single portal for providing business services to users.

Complete a programme to raise awareness for owners of measurement stations connected to the transportation network.






Actions in 2014

Actions to be implemented under the 2015-2018 Plan

Stakeholders engagement




Channels of internal communication implemented through the website, newsletters, brochures and other communications tools.

“Saperne di +”, the traditional communication initiative that aims to disseminate Company values and strategies, continued.

Implement the improvement plan developed following results of the 2012 climate analysis.

Initiate the project to rebuild the new intranet and enrich newsletter content.

Set up meetings and get-togethers among the Group’s young university graduates.

Continue notifying company workers on the company’s objectives.




Meetings continued with local administrations and regional associations.

Number of associations to which Snam belongs increased, and its presence in the management bodies of associations expanded.

New section called “Stories from the region” (a section dedicated to the main initiatives with communities) introduced in the “Sustainability” area of the site.

Collaboration protocols signed for the completion of projects with a shared value.

CSR initiatives disclosed through social media.

Specific CSR events created that are dedicated to the Internet with digital PR activities aimed at bloggers and Internet influencers.

The first edition of the educational project “Stories that Tell the Future” completed for schools.

Develop and plan innovative tools for meetings and discussions with public administrations and institutional decision-makers, including through the involvement of local industry associations.

Set up meetings and discussions with regions through educational activities.

Identify and develop initiatives of shared value.

Support local initiatives that promote the culture, resources and unique features of the region.

Promote new initiatives and new forms of communication including through more widespread use of social media.

Apply models and/or instruments to measure the acceptability of infrastructure in the region.

Adopt company guidelines that establish procedures for the regular involvement of local communities on the occasion of new initiatives.






Actions in 2014

Actions to be implemented under the 2015-2018 Plan

Protecting the local area and biodiversity

78 km of vegetation restoration completed; environmental monitoring of over 1,050 km carried out and 16 km of reforestation completed.

Four new DLE turbines placed in operation.

Third book in the series “Sustainable Pathways” (on Majella park) under development.

Continue vegetation and environmental restoration activities.

Install low-emission turbines and equipment.

Climate change and energy efficiency

Energy management measures carried out to reduce energy consumption.

Online gas recompression measures taken to recover natural gas; pneumatic gas valves and cast iron pipelines replaced.

Photovoltaic systems installed and energy produced from renewable sources.

Optimise energy consumption.

Increase the use of energy from renewable sources.

Reduce natural gas emissions.

Enhance the videoconferencing system.

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