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Global Compact reconciliation table

The ten principles

Sustainability Report 2014



Human rights


Principles 1 and 2 – Businesses are required to promote and respect internationally proclaimed human rights within their sphere of influence and to ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses, even indirectly.

Respect for human rights is expressly mentioned in the Snam Code of Ethics and in contractual relations with suppliers. All suppliers are required to subscribe to and comply with the Code of Ethics, with international labour requirements and to declare that they do not employ personnel below the minimum age imposed by law.

Supply chain integration
Accident prevention

Updated in several sections the Supplier Portal .

Realized the annual workshop dedicated to suppliers about sustainability field.

100% of total qualified suppliers have been analyzed on topics regarding Human Rights.

Awareness and involvement initiatives under the “Objective: Safety” plan continued.

Training activities continued in the HSE area (approximately 53,433 hours delivered, with more than 5,886 attendees).

Employee and contractor accident rates reduced.

Development of centralised HSE information system continued.

Female staff increased. Programmes created for sharing skills in managing people in order to promote diverse cultures.




Principles 3, 4, 5 and 6 – Businesses are required to uphold freedom of association and the recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; the abolition in practice of child labour; and the elimination of all forms of discrimination in respect of employment and work.

The national collective labour agreements for Energy & Petroleum and Gas-Water have been applied and association rights are guaranteed to all workers.

Human capital as a force of changing

A new model of professional and managerial skills and new performance evaluation system were developed and implemented.

A new system for the assignment and evaluation of business and sustainability goals was implemented.

A management development course was launched involving about 200 people, as was a professional training course for young engineers.

174,916 hours of training delivered in total, with 17,000 attendances. Opportunity continued for all people to take an online English course and dedicated language courses launched.




Principles 7, 8 and 9 – Businesses are required to provide support for a precautionary approach to environmental challenges; to undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and to encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

78 km of vegetation restoration completed; environmental monitoring of over 1,050 km carried out and 16 km of reforestation completed.

The region as a resource to be preserved

Snam pays particular attention to the subject of biodiversity in its relations with stakeholders and in its day-by-day business activity, taking as reference the Millennium Development Goals on environmental protection and the conservation of biodiversity.

Participation to the “Clean up the World” initiative involving Bordolano’s school.

The first edition of the educational project “Stories that Tell the Future” completed for more than 1,000 schools.

Third book in the series “sustainable pathways” (on Maiella park) under development.

Energy management measures carried out to reduce energy consumption: online gas recompression measures taken to recover natural gas; pneumatic gas valves and cast iron pipelines replaced;Photovoltaic systems installed and energy produced from renewable sources supplied.




Principle 10 – Businesses are committed to working against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Company participated in the assessment and obtained the highest score on transparency in the management and communication of anti-corruption programmes and activities from Transparency International Italy.

Risk management
Developing and valuing our employees

Monitoring of the Group’s anti-corruption compliance program performed. In 2014 the training period dedicated to ethic code, model 231 and anticorruption themes was concluded with 11,751 training hours and 3,917 participations.

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