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Developing services to improve the market GRI - G4: 4

Owing to the growth of services, the number of transportation operators in the Italian gas market has grown continually over the last decade, rising from 30 in 2003 to 139 in 2015. In the last year alone, 65 contracts were entered into for the creation of new delivery/redelivery points or upgrading of existing points, and more than 370 million cubic metres of daily transportation capacity was made available at network entry points. Access to the service was guaranteed to all operators who requested it.

Through Snam’s partner platform PRISMA1, from 1 November 2015, operators have been able to execute gas trades by acquiring transportation capacity on a within-day, daily, monthly, quarterly and annual (up to 15 years) basis during bidding sessions scheduled on the common European calendar published by ENTSOG, This capacity is in either unbundled form, i.e. only inputs to and outputs from the Italian transportation system, or bundled form, i.e. simultaneously buying capacity from Snam and the interconnected operator at the same exchange point, thereby increasing the frequency of transactions. This initiative is part of the European project to harmonise regulations, enabling operators to plan their European gas transportation activities more easily and flexibly.

Implementation of European codes

Bookings Via The Capacity Portal

Start Of Day-Ahead Capacity Auctions

Start Of New Secondary Market And Surrendered Capacity

Start Of Annual And Multi-Year Capacity Auctions

Start Of Monthly Capacity Auctions

Start Of Quarterly Capacity Auctions

Start Of Within-Day Capacity Auctions

July 2009

April 2013

September 2014

November 2014

March 2015

June 2015

November 2015

In 2015, the available storage capacity increased from 11.4 billion standard cubic metres to 11.5 billion standard cubic metres (16 billion if strategic storage is included) after the first 100 million cubic metres of the field at Bordolano was made available. There was full take-up of the offered capacity for the 2015/16 thermal year, with demand outstripping supply as early as the June 2015 auction.

In order to manage trades between operators and relations with them, over time Snam has developed unique IT systems and online portals that are continually being enhanced.

IT systems and online portals: another part of our intellectual capital



Major innovations of the year

Logistica Gas software

To manage the commercial processes of daily planning, allocation and provisional and definitive balances.

Gestisce anche del MWh – la nuova unità di misura impiegata al posto del GJ – nei processi di nomina, rinomina e allocazione. Non appena l’Autorità ne disporrà la decorrenza, sarà in grado di gestire anche il processo di riprogrammazione infra-giornaliera, che consentirà agli Utenti di equilibrare le proprie posizioni di bilanciamento, e di sfruttare appieno le potenzialità del conferimento di capacità infra-giornaliera.

VTP software

To provide a point between supply and demand where bilateral trades of natural gas can take place on a daily basis, and to keep a record of these trades.

We updated the software to enable market operators to deliver to the Italian VTP gas futures negotiated on a third-party stock exchange, thereby expanding the range of derivatives and making the Italian market more liquid and integrated with other European markets.

ServiRe portal

To enable users to digitally manage the process of organising an alternative supply in the event of transmission service interruptions on SRG’s pipeline network, the dumping and opening of redelivery points on the transportation network and the management of round-the-clock customer support centres at transport service users, distributors and owners of plants connected to the pipeline network.

We upgraded the portal to enable the use of a single channel of communication and real-time monitoring of request statuses, thereby making it easier for users to manage their related activities.

Stogit capacity portal

To manage the process of entering into storage capacity agreements.

We fine-tuned the auction allocation processes for peak and uniform modulation storage services.

We completed, optimised and consolidated the previously implemented capacity transfer, contract and billing processes.

SAMPEI portal

To manage storage contracts in terms of gas movement and reserves.

We added calculation of the Ru factor used to establish the injection capacity of each individual user, automatic management of flows for the publication of data on the AGSI European portal and management of gas pledged in favour of the balancing operator.

We developed functionalities for the management of several daily re-nomination cycles in compliance with Regulation (EU) 312/2014.

Pursuant to the obligations mentioned in Regulation (EU) 1227/2011 (REMIT), Stogit’s users must send a daily update on their reserves to ACER. The SAMPEI portal will be amended so that this information can be sent to ACER on behalf of each individual user.

1 PRISMA is an international project involving 37 European gas transmission operators from 16 countries. Its goal is to encourage harmonised service delivery and access rules and facilitate the creation of a single European gas market by offering transportation capacity through a single shared digital platform.

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