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Wellbeing among personnel, which is also good for the company GRI - G4: LA2

Snam’s corporate welfare system is based on a long tradition of caring about people. With the aim of meeting emerging needs and the requirements of different groups within the corporate population, it uses the most progressive experiences of the largest Italian companies as a yardstick for growth and change from year to year.

Alongside the most traditional and well-established components of the supplementary pension and supplementary healthcare fund, which in most cases also benefit from a company contribution, there are other initiatives and services available for people in the following main areas: family, health, time and space, savings and relationships, presented to employees in a clear and exhaustive manner in an ad hoc section of the company intranet.

A guide has also been published on the intranet for both biological and adoptive parents with a view to raising awareness about their rights and highlighting the Company’s dedication to parenting.

Absenteeism (%)

Personnel turnover (%)

Snam’s corporate welfare system

Areas of intervention



  • Themed outings for adolescents focusing on English language studies, sports and respect for nature. In 2015, activities were concentrated in Cesenatico and Piani di Luzza, in the province of Udine, within a laboratory dedicated to mountains, nature and tourism.
  • Summer Camp, which was held in 2015 at the Cascia site with classroom lessons, laboratories and themed workshops, in addition to games, outings and parties to engage young people.
  • Nursery school: near the San Donato Milanese office, 12 children attended the nursery school and the kindergarten dedicated to employees’ children.
  • Purchase of discounted textbooks.
  • Family S.O.S.: service that offers a helpdesk online/by telephone managed by a professional (psychologist/social worker) capable of providing advice about personal and family issues that may arise in employees’ lives.

Health and wellbeing

  • Early cancer detection programme in cooperation with the Italian League against Cancer.
  • Health check-up programmes for managers.
  • The opportunity to engage in physical activities at selected and approved sports centres in the vicinity of the office buildings, at preferential rates.
  • Nutritional support with high-quality corporate catering, involving the use of first-rate raw materials, keeping the nutritional value in the preparation process and maintaining the quality of the environments and facilities where the service is provided. Take-away service offering ready-made dishes to eat at home.
  • Participation in the Workplace Health Programme initiative: programme for the implementation of best practices, launched by the Lombardy Region, carried out with the scientific support of the ASL local health authority and the collaboration of company physicians.
  • Agreement with the Monzino Cardiology Centre (CCM) for the provision of completely private specialist services (hospital stays, out-patient services, day services and telemedicine) for employees and their family members.

Time and space

  • According to job and workplace type, the following are provided:

    • flexible arrival/departure/lunch break times;
    • flexitime for office workers (flexibility based on a multi-week schedule);
    • a working hours account so that, if authorised, they can recover overtime.

  • Assistance with filling in 730 tax forms.
  • “Partenza da casa” [leaving home] for technical staff. This procedure, active since 2013, stipulates that employees should go directly, using their company vehicle, to the first location assigned to them to carry out their work, rather than going to their operating centre.

Saving and relationships

  • Possibility of obtaining personal loans, insurance policies and credit cards, hire cars, buy name-brand products or book holidays with preferential terms.
  • Possibility for employees of the main Snam offices to purchase discount public transportation passes. Shuttle service between the San Donato Milanese headquarters and the metropolitan train station.
  • Employees have the opportunity to enjoy free or reduced-cost tickets to visit museums and exhibitions or attend concerts and operas.

In 2015, Snam rewarded employees with 25 years of service, as it does every year. The people who reached the target received a long-service award and fuel vouchers as recognition of this achievement and their individual contributions to the Company’s growth. Of the 329 people recognised: 30 were from Snam, 97 from Snam Rete Gas, 160 from Italgas, 4 from AES, 12 from Stogit, 1 from GNL Italia and 25 from Napoletanagas.

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