How human capital contributes to change GRI - G4: LA1

It is becoming increasingly difficult to grow a business in the European gas market because it requires diverse skills, teamwork and an ever greater capacity to innovate. This means improvements to human capital are crucial in continuing to create value.
Snam has always benefited from high levels of technical and managerial ability, know-how, innovation and vision. Every year, the Company works hard to strengthen its systems and policies for shaping leadership and employee performance, giving staff all the tools they need to be agents of change.
In this way, the Snam Group supports its objective of widespread leadership, giving each position a function and responsibility in relation to achieving specific corporate targets and evaluating the results in a transparent manner. On this basis, in 2015 we implemented our new management skills development model which, together with our new performance evaluation system, shapes personal development programmes in accordance with our business development strategies.
Surveys have shown that our employees feel a strong sense of belonging, and we can use this to make them active and contributory participants of change by continually improving the way we share information and communicate with them.
In so doing, we have the outline of a new agreement between the Company and its people: Snam commits to offering new growth opportunities to those who give us their talent and skills; our staff commit to seeing change as a chance to acquire new skills and accelerate their own personal development. This is a cultural shift that Snam has chosen with a view to creating an even more dynamic, open and competitive company.
Download XLS (22 kB) |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
Executives |
116 |
124 |
129 |
Managers |
579 |
602 |
629 |
Office workers |
3,271 |
3,280 |
3,435 |
Manual workers |
2,079 |
2,066 |
2,110 |
Total employees |
6,045 |
6,072 |
6,303 |
Employees by geographical area (no.)

New hires and departures in 2015 by age bracket (no.)

“Leadership Development Programme”
For the second consecutive year, Snam has moved ahead with its programme for the development of managerial skills (for younger employees, to stimulate growth and favour their participation) and international teamwork capabilities.
In 2015, more than 100 people selected from amongst High Flyers (young employees with top performance, high potential and the motivation to grow), managers, executives and middle managers with high performance and potential participated in the programme.
The managers, executives and middle managers with high potential began a two-year course – designed in collaboration with SDA Bocconi School of Management – which will be completed in 2016 and aims to expand the vision of the business during Snam’s evolution in Europe.
Some of the main topics addressed by the course were: Communication and Negotiation; Economic/Financial Aspects; Business; Market and Global Customers. In addition to lessons in the classroom, the programme also includes periodic meetings and project work, the results of which were presented to the company’s top management.
High Flyers have been engaged in a two-year programme which will be completed in 2016, on topics such as the basics of economics and communication techniques. Participants also took part in project work and a business game, which highlighted trends in competitive compared to regulated environments.