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Capitals that create shared value GRI - G4: 24, 25, 26, 27

With its corporate mission of providing the energy that the market needs in a secure, efficient and sustainable manner, Snam’s model gives stakeholders a key role in the development of the business. The recipients of the shared value created by the company’s activities are authorities and institutions, shareholders and investors, gas system operators, employees and suppliers, each of which has its own prerogatives and expectations.

Within Snam’s model, the stakeholders provide the viewpoints, outlooks, abilities and resources that represent the various forms of capital that Snam implements and are required for operating purposes. In order to achieve this, Snam requires that its ongoing relations with stakeholders be transparent, proper and impartial.

Snam’s business capitals model as per the IIRC framework


The fundamental input for making investments in gas infrastructure.

We fund these investments using our own resources and debt capital obtained either on the financial markets or through our own operating income.


The network of infrastructure for transporting, storing and distributing natural gas and regasifying LNG, required to perform services for operators and users.


Unique to Snam, this consists mainly of the IT systems, procedures and good operating practices developed over time by running the business.


This includes the specific skills and experience acquired by our staff, primarily by way of internal development programmes (this is essentially a self-made capital), and the business culture with its distinctive values, above all a culture of safety.

Social and relationship

This is the licence to operate that the stakeholders award to Snam, sustained by relations with these stakeholders at European and national levels, as well as by Snam’s presence in the areas that host its infrastructure.


The land, air and biodiversity that Snam is committed to preserving through efficient and responsible environmental management, mitigating the environmental impacts and consequences generated predominantly during the construction of infrastructure.

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