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Global Compact reconciliation table

The ten principles

2015 Sustainability Report



Human Rights


Principles 1, 2 – Companies are asked to promote and respect universally recognised human rights in their respective spheres of influence and to make sure they are not complicit, even indirectly, in human rights violations.

Respect for human rights is expressly mentioned in the Snam Code of Ethics and in contractual relations with suppliers. To contractually document this reciprocal commitment, Snam asks its suppliers to comply with the Ethics and Integrity Pact, which aims to guarantee transparent relationships, the fulfilment of professional ethics requirements throughout the company supply chain (including subcontractors) and for the entire term of the relationship, the power to take action in cases of non-compliance, in accordance with the forms and terms established in Group procedures, and verified and declared violations.

Legality and safety developed through human capital

Keeping our human capital safe

Wellbeing among personnel, which is also good for the company

More than 420 people, including Snam Group personnel and suppliers, participated in a workshop entitled “Quality and transparency in company-supplier relations” devoted to the topics of transparency and combating corruption.

100% of qualified suppliers were analysed with regard to human rights issues.

Awareness and involvement initatives under the “Objective: Safety” plan continued.

Training activities on health and safety continued (approximately 20,722 hours delivered, with 3,629 attendees).

Contractor accident frequency index reduced.

Promotion of employee health through the WHP programme.

Welfare system improved with new services and initiatives.




Principles 3, 4, 5, 6 – Businesses are required to uphold freedom of association and the recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; the abolition in practice of child labour; and the elimination of all forms of discrimination in respect of employment and work.

The Energy and Petroleum and Gas-Water national collective labour agreements are applied and all workers are guaranteed union rights.

How human capital contributes to change

New model of professional and managerial skills and the new performance assessment system establishing business as well as sustainability targets confirmed.

Continuation of managerial development course, involving approximately 100 people in 2015.

A total of more than 160,400 hours of training provided to more than 15,700 participants.

Opportunity to join an online English course continued for all staff and advanced language courses launched with the participation of roughly 80 employees.

Female presence increased.




Principles 7, 8, 9 – Companies are asked to maintain a preventive approach to environmental challenges; to undertake initiatives that promote greater environmental responsibility; and to encourage the development and dissemination of technologies that respect the environment.

Snam devotes particular attention to the theme of biodiversity, taking as a reference the Sustainable Development Objectives and in particular that with respect to the sustainable use of the earth.


Responsible management of natural capital

240 km of replanting completed, more than 1,000 km of environmental monitoring performed and 11 km of reforestation completed.

Participation in Let’s Clean Up the World with the school in Bordolano.

Educational initiative dedicated to science carried out with almost 200,000 students, with the sponsorship of the Ministry of the Environment and Federparchi.

Social agricultural initiative “A vegetable garden in the network” carried out.

Third book in the “sustainable pathways” series, Il Parco della Maiella, published, and the fourth book regarding Parco del Ticino in the publication stage.

Energy Management activities carried out to reduce energy consumption, with 141,000 tonnes of CO2eq emissions avoided.

New photovoltaic plants connected to increase installed power by 58%, and higher number of plants supplied with electricity generated from renewable sources.

ISO 14001 environmental management system certification obtained for the entire Snam Group.




Principles 10 – Companies commit to fighting corruption in any form, including extortion and bribery.

Snam and Italgas Model 231 updated following the introduction of the crimes of self-laundering, false accounting and eco-crimes.

Material issues and business capital initiatives

Supply chain

Ethics and Integrity Pact completed, and suppliers called upon to comply

3,025 hours of training on the matter provided, with the participation of 1,920 people

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