Performance indicators GRI - G4: EN6, EN7
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KPI description |
KPI date |
Pre-set target |
Target achieved in 2015 |
Sector |
Status of activity |
Photovoltaic plants |
2014 |
Install power of 40 kW by 20161 Produce 40,000 kWh/year beginning in 20171 |
20 0 |
Storage |
Photovoltaic plants |
2014 |
Install power of 370 kW by 20162 Produce 260,000 kWh/ |
375 364,104 |
Transportation |
Photovoltaic plants |
2014 |
Install power of 170 kW by 2017 Produce 120,000 kWh/ |
5 4,105 |
Distribution |
High efficiency heat generators in R&R cabins |
2014 |
Install power of 30 MW by 2017 |
23 |
Transportation |
Turboexpander in R&R cabins |
2014 |
Install a plant by 2017 Produce |
-- -- |
Distribution |
Plants with a system for distributing R&R cabin flows more evenly |
2014 |
Install 26 plants by 2017 Save 150,000 m3/ |
4 13,000 m3 |
Distribution |
Installation of LED systems for R&R cabins |
2014 |
Install 40 plants by 2017 |
-- |
Distribution |
Energy class B buildings |
2014 |
Renovate 8 buildings from en. class E to B by 2017 Save 50,000 m3/ |
4 30,000 m3 |
Storage |