Developing and promoting human capital |
- We defined and implemented a new model of professional and managerial skills and a new system for assessing the skills and abilities needing work in our international teams.
- We confirmed our new system for allocating and assessing sustainability targets.
- We delivered a total of 160,405 training hours to 15,716 participants.
- We continued to offer all our staff the opportunity to take an online English course and we launched dedicated linguistic studies programmes.
- Assess managerial skills using ad hoc tools for our executives and managers, and draw up any necessary training initiatives.
- Use specific programmes to increase the skill set of our employees.
- Begin the second performance management cycle.
- Implement the succession planning process to ensure coverage of key managerial positions.
Employment and safeguarding jobs |
- We made 273 new hires.
- We have agreed a permanent contract of employment with 97% of Snam employees.
- Continue with the activities mentioned in the Snam Group’s Industrial Relations Protocol.
Diversity and equal opportunities |
- We increased the female portion of our workforce (+1.8% on 2014).
- Develop ways of promoting diversity, particularly with regard to gender.
Health and safety |
- We continued our awareness-raising and involvement initiatives under the “Objective Safety” plan.
- We continued our training activities in this area, with 20,722 training hours delivered to 3,629 participants.
- We reduced the frequency of accidents involving contractors.
- We implemented a centralised HSE information system.
- Continue with specific training activities and implement ad hoc communication plans (including digital projects).
- Continue with the initiatives undertaken as part of “Objective Safety”, and involve more corporate activities.
- Prepare workplace environment survey programmes.
- Create IT applications to support the HSE processes.
- Develop awareness-raising initiatives on supplier safety.
- Improve plant access conditions and the methods used to conduct operations.
Work/life balance |
- We continued our welfare continuity programmes.
- We implemented welfare services.
- Implement the new welfare plan in an attempt to offer a broader range of services.
Quality and development of services |
- We implemented and modernised our customer support information systems.
- Improve the quality of services offered to our customers.
- Conduct feasibility studies relating to the transportation of biomethane in the distribution network in light of changes to the regulatory framework.
Strategic supply chain management |
- We implemented the Supplier Portal.
- We added more OHSAS 18001 certified candidates for A and B level work to our vendor list.
- We monitored 243 suppliers and got feedback from 1,300 at the contract execution phase.
- We checked 1,862 suppliers and subcontractors as to the regularity of their contributions.
- We stepped up our anti-corruption oversight and shared our pact of ethics with Group suppliers.
- Step up controls of the reputational requirements of our suppliers/contractors as part of the procurement process.
- Implement a new IT system to support the supplier services assessment and qualification process.
- Upgrade the Supplier Portal in terms of content and communication tools.
- Make it compulsory for candidates for A and B level work to be OHSAS 18001 certified.
- Implement the subcontracting management process.
- Implement controls during the supplier qualification process (reputational and contribution regularity controls).
- Get more information on suppliers’ social and environmental responsibility in order to avoid risks and damage to our brand and reputation.
Stakeholder relations and engagement |
- We held our annual sustainability workshop.
- Initiate and promote partnership and engagement measures to improve social and environmental performance.
- We took part in assessment conducted by the leading financial and sustainability ratings agencies.
- We continued to communicate with bondholders and market analysts.
- We set up the “Investor Relations” section of our website.
- Maintain excellent relations with the ratings agencies and the high quality of disclosure to institutional and retail investors.
- Develop guidelines on engaging with the financial community.
- Maintain excellent relations with the Italian and international banking systems, partly with a view to diversifying our sources of funding.
- We continued with our feasibility study on creating a single portal.
- We continued to implement the online portals.
- We carried out customer satisfaction surveys in the transportation and storage segments.
- Develop and apply methods to measure customer satisfaction levels.
- Computerise the front end for complaints management and the management of connection requests, starting with initial contact with customers.
- Start to create a single portal for delivering commercial services to users.
- Raise awareness among the transportation network metering station owners of the issues affecting interconnection.
- We developed and launched the Group’s new intranet.
- We provided content for our channels of internal communication (intranet, newsletters, brochures and other media).
- We continued our long-running “Saperne di +” (“Find out more”) initiative, aimed at spreading the Company’s values and strategies.
- Create a digital version of the “Energies” and “Special Features” newsletters.
- Continue to communicate with managers about the breakdown of their remuneration package.
- Create meetings and interaction between the Group’s young graduates.
- Continue with the “Saperne di +” initiative in the aim of a top-down dissemination of the Company’s strategic objectives.
- We continued to meet with local government and regional associations.
- We launched our “A vegetable garden in the network” project.
- In the “Sustainability” area of our website, we set up a new section called “Stories from the regions” dedicated to our main community initiatives.
- We used social media to promote our CSR initiatives.
- We created specific online CSR events with digital PR activities targeted at bloggers and influential social media personalities.
- We carried out the second staging of our schools series “Stories about the future”.
- Develop and schedule innovative tools for meeting and discussing with local government and institutional decision makers, including via the involvement of local employers’ associations.
- Organise meetings and discussions with regional authorities by way of educational activities.
- Identify and develop shared-value initiatives.
- Develop analysis and surveys on plans to build infrastructure in the different regions.
- Apply models and/or instruments for measuring how the different regions would respond to plans to build infrastructure there.
- Adopt corporate guidelines defining systematic methods for local and peripheral functions to engage local communities in new initiatives.