
Snam’s new capex plan envisages an increase in investments of almost € 1 billion compared to the € 6.5 billion of the 2019-2023 plan, bringing them to approximately € 7.4 billion in the 2020-2024 period. The growth is attributable both to the core business of regulated infrastructures (€ 6.7 bn in investments) and to the new activities of the energy transition (over € 0.7 bn in investments, almost doubled compared to the previous plan): biomethane (Snam4Environment), energy efficiency (Renovit), sustainable mobility (Snam4Mobility) and hydrogen.

The company also operates in forestation (Arbolia) and is committed to achieving carbon neutrality (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by 2040. The Group's business model is based on sustainable growth, transparency, the promotion of talents and diversity and the social development of local areas also through the initiatives of Fondazione Snam.


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