Ensuring sound governance

Ensuring sound governance KPI (Graphic)

(*) Data extracted from the minutes of Board meetings from January 2020 to December 2020 and from the Corporate Governance Report and including Board Induction sessions

Snam is constantly striving to strengthen its corporate governance system in order to foster a dynamic of long-term value creation, taking into account the requests of all stakeholders. Sound corporate governance helps to establish the conditions for proper and adequate interaction between the company and the complex context in which it operates and ensures a clear and sustainable development strategy. To achieve these objectives, Snam acts on the basis of three essential principles: integrity, transparency and respect for rules.

The Company’s governance system is structured according to the regulations in force and applicable to the sector, taking into account national and international best practices and the principles contained in the Group’s Code of Ethics, and complies with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, the fundamental Conventions of the ILO and the ten global ethical principles in terms of human rights, environmental protection, workers’ rights and the combat against corruption contained in the United Nations Global Compact, the most important international initiative in the field of sustainable development.

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