Sustainability and ESG recognitions
The Snam stock is included in the main international SRI (Sustainable and Responsible Investment) stock market indices, an acknowledgement that provides investors with greater transparency in market communications and greater comparability with the Group’s peers, as well as making the Company more visible to investors and to the financial market as a whole. Investors classified as ESG within Snam’s shareholder base total 245, representing 34.1% of Snam’s total institutional shareholders (Nasdaq analysis) as of September 2020 – and 13.8% of the total.
ESG ratings

Snam has been included, once again, among the top scorers of CDP, one of the most important non-profit organisations at international level in terms of climate change. In 2020, Snam returned to the top of the world rankings, obtaining inclusion in the A List, which includes only 273 companies worldwide (8 in Italy), testifying to its strong commitment to climate change and energy transition issues.

Snam has joined the CDP supply chain programme for the second year, the CDP programme aimed at involving its supply chain in the climate change questionnaire. Snam obtained a score of A-, demonstrating its commitment to engaging its suppliers on issues related to reducing emissions and developing sustainable strategies.

In 2020, Snam was confirmed at “PRIME” level (with rating B-) by ISS ESG, which recently acquired the Oekom Research service, a leading international agency rating socially responsible investments, which operates on behalf of institutional investors and financial services companies.

In 2020, Snam was also confirmed in the Sustainalytics index, the leading ratings agency for the evaluation of companies from an ESG perspective, which the company has been on since 2013. The new score of 19.8 indicates a low risk level of the company in the ESG area, compared to an average risk level in 2019.
Sustainability indices

Since 2002, Snam has been present in the FTSE4Good, an index created to encourage investment in companies that meet globally recognised social responsibility standards and important reference point for the creation of benchmarks and ethical portfolios.

Snam confirmed in the Ethibel indices, which include companies qualified as sector leaders in terms of C5R, according to the selection made by Forum Ethibel.

Snam confirmed for the fourth consecutive year in two MSCI sustainability indices, which include companies with high sustainability ratings sustainability among those in the sector.

For the ninth year in a row, the Snam stock is included in the STOXX Global ESG Leaders Indices, a group of indices based on a transparent process of selection of performances in terms of sustainability, of 1800 companies listed worldwide.

Snam is present in five of the main ECPI sustainability indices, which take into account more than 100 ESG indicators in their methodology for the inclusion of companies.

Snam is confirmed to be included in 2020 as well in the NYSE Euronext Vigeo 120 indices, managed by Vigeo, a leading company at a European level in rating companies regarding CSR issues.

Snam present for the fifth year running, in the United Nations Global Compact 100 index, which includes the 100 companies that have distinguished themselves at global level both for attention to sustainability issues and to financial performance, and that adhere to the ten fundamental principles of the United Nations on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption issues.

Snam is among the companies included in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) for the second year running. Of the 380 companies included, only 18 operate in the energy sector. In addition, Snam achieved a total score of 71.21%, improving its GEI score by 2.1 percentage points compared to last year.

As part of the 2020 CSA assessment, Snam has been included in the 2021 Sustainability Yearbook, which rewards the companies included in the top 15% of their industry.